Bar Cohen talks about a marriage proposal to Eliav

by time news

It’s been a long, long time since there was a launch full of celebs like this, but the beauty artist Gili Elgabi Launched his new beauty brand “Kandy” in collaboration Rice group And made the whole local crowd (we’re not kidding, the whole local crowd) show up yesterday (Wednesday) at Soho House in Tel Aviv and cheer him on. Yael Goldman, Daniel Amit, Narkis, Diane Schwartz, Galit Gutman and Eden Daniel Gabai There were only a small number of names present, and TMI caught up with the Bar Cohen And hear from her about the political situation that worries her, about her desire to get married (wait to hear what she has to say about it) and what happened or didn’t happen with Nofer Moore?

Bar Cohen at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)

How did you manage to get here with all the madness, the demonstrations, the rush, with Leo at home?
“Eliav with Leo, atonement for him, and there were no traffic jams at all.”

You burned the whole question for me.
“Yes, ask better questions.”

Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a reality TV show where the craziness around it lasted as long as it did with you. how are the feelings
“Me, I have a lot of fun. I love what I do. I feel like for years I’ve been looking for what, what is a bar? What is it good at? And I found it. I found it. I love Instagram, I love the story, I love this job.”

You become an usher. You started out as a technophobe, this is known about you and suddenly you give up.
“I’m the most technophobic you’ll ever know. I came here without a cell phone by the way. It’s a friend’s cell phone, because I left mine in the car, so you’ll understand. But I think it’s a bar.”

It didn’t stress you to go from zero to a hundred like that, how did you get out and everything exploded?
“No, because I really took everything in good measure. Even the bad, atonement after what you go through in life… small for me.”

Valiav keeps throwing us hints about a wedding, ‘maybe’, ‘soon’. Maybe give us one more accurate hint?
“I’ve already said, it’s okay for a woman to propose to a man, it’s not bad. As far as I’m concerned..”

is this going to happen Maybe you will propose to Eliav?
“I won’t propose, I’ll leave it to him, I’ll give him the honor. But I wish, I’d be happy. He knows it. We talk about it.”

I’ll tell you what, in your interview with us, Eliav said he was ready and just waiting for your approval.
“Eliav laughed.”

But here we are in another interview, does he have permission?
“Eliav was joking. He has permission, and everything is in his own time, and with God’s help.”

Did he get Leo’s approval too?
“He received Leo’s approval a long time ago, a long time ago. They are in love.”

Gili Elgabi at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Dana Lavi)Gili Elgabi at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Dana Lavi)

Good on purpose or not, you got into a bit of a storm this week. Your season’s star, Omri Alfia, claimed that the law of death for terrorists should also be against Jewish terrorists. You did not spare your opinions. Did you think about it before you posted?
“I always say that I don’t understand anything about politics, I’m completely ignorant and I say that and I have no problem with it. I just don’t like people making cynical use of Instagram for all kinds of things. And I think there is a limit and it should be kept. The law was clear, and so am I I understand what he said. I talked about it a lot in private with people, but we don’t protect terrorists. No side. We don’t protect terrorists. And Instagram and cynicism is unnecessary because the situation in the country is painful and difficult. We are one country and there are no sides, we are one. And that Sit and watch TV and you just want to cry. Sad.”

You interview very well in politics, maybe you will change your profession.
“It’s better that I don’t talk about politics, that I don’t spout nonsense. Just let it be quiet with God’s help and it will be good for everyone.”

Amen. In conclusion, Nofer Moore put up a story in which she was going to file a lawsuit against two people. Somehow the rumors led to you and Danit (Greenberg), do you want to set things straight for the audience, whether it’s true or not?
“I don’t know, I don’t know. Like, we had a podcast and we talked in the most general and impersonal way. I don’t have anything bad to say about Nofer, the opposite is true. Whatever happened, it’s behind me, I forgive her. We have the same agent then I’m like Shia who keeps honor. And I’ve said several times, I really loved Nofer in the past, it’s hers, I think it has less to do with me. But I wish Nofer a livelihood, health and happiness.”

Galit Gutman and Yael Goldman at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)Galit Gutman and Yael Goldman at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)
Karin Alia at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)Karin Alia at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)
Narcissus at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)Narcissus at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)
Nadir Eliyahu at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)Nadir Eliyahu at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)
Sarit Polak at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)Sarit Polak at the launch of the Kandy brand (Photo: Lance Productions)

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