Barak Ravid on the Iranian nuclear deal: “No one listens to Netanyahu today”

by time news

When it seems that the signing of the nuclear agreement between Iran and the major powers is getting closer, Prime Minister Lapid and opposition leader Netanyahu met yesterday for an update meeting. Commentator Walla! Barak Ravid spoke with Anat Davidov and Tal Shalio on their program on 103FM, and commented on the political implications of their meeting: “It was an event Purely political, it has nothing to do with substance. It is not good to mix a strategic issue related to the security of the country such as the Iranian nuclear, with a political campaign of two politicians. Do they want to run a political campaign? Let them do it on slightly less critical issues. that they will attack a Zion wing plane.”

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“None of the decision makers in the world today really listens to Netanyahu even for a second. His words are immediately dismissed as someone who opposes everything and has nothing to talk about. I don’t think anyone in the world takes Netanyahu’s words seriously on this issue,” he commented on Netanyahu’s status today in the world

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He commented on the chances of the nuclear agreement being signed in the end: “I think that the issues that were in dispute, remain issues in dispute, which is also the subject of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s investigations into those suspicious sites found in Iran, and also the guarantees that the Iranians want to receive from the US about what will happen if the President The next will decide again to withdraw from the nuclear agreement. There are really no other solutions to any of these issues.”

“The differences are in style, there are no policy differences really. If you look at the policy of the Bennett and Lapid government on the Iranian issue, it is the same as the policy of the Netanyahu government on the Iranian issue, the difference is perhaps the style of not really going to a political battle within the US on the issue,” Ravid emphasized.

In conclusion, he sought to clarify that there are no fundamental differences between one government and another, regarding the treatment of the Iranian issue: “They say, ‘We are not opposed to any agreement,’ but this is opposition to any agreement, that is the meaning, and a preference for continuing maximum pressure on Iran or military action over Diplomacy. This is the basic policy of Israeli governments for the past 12 years, even if it was headed by Netanyahu, Bennett or Lapid. I am afraid to say that in today’s political system in Israel, there is not a single politician – although there are some who think so – who would dare to say a different position.”

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