Barbecue season 2023: THIS is how bratwurst, steak and fish are guaranteed to succeed! | life & knowledge

by time news

2023-04-22 11:17:37

Spring is here!

For Saturday, the meteorologists all over Germany promise blue skies, sunshine and at least 20 degrees! So the very best barbecue weather!

If you’re a bit rusty on the grill during the long, cold and rainy winter months: BILD explains how you can guarantee that you’ll be able to prepare steaks, bratwurst, fish and more.

Basic mistake: too much heat!

One of the biggest mistakes on the grill: too much heat! Most grillers pile up a large amount of charcoal over the entire grill floor, which means it can quickly reach 350 degrees or more on the entire grate.

Therefore: Always divide the grill into a direct and an indirect grilling zone. This means: The charcoal is only on one side of the grill, the other remains free (only half of the burners are ignited on the gas grill). The food to be grilled is fried over direct heat until crisp (like in a pan) and then continues to cook indirectly on the grill with the lid closed.

Here app users come to the survey: How do you grill?

The perfect steak

Tipp 1: A good, juicy beef steak should not be cut too thin, anything under three centimeters is carpaccio. Take steaks out of the fridge at least an hour before cooking to allow them to come to room temperature.

Tipp 2: Sear the steak over direct heat for three minutes on each side. Then place in the indirect zone of the grill and allow to cook to the desired doneness. Check the doneness (medium 58 degrees) with a thermometer.

Tipp 3: If you don’t have a thermometer, you can calculate the cooking time. Rule of thumb: plan five minutes of grilling time for every centimeter of meat. For a three centimeter thick steak, for example, this means: six minutes of direct heat plus nine minutes of indirect heat – and the steak is grilled medium.

Every steak under three centimeters thick is carpaccio, says BILD grill master Michael Quandt (54)

Photo: Christoph Michaelis

Tip 4: the pressure test:

Raw Steak: Tap the palm of your other hand with your index finger and apply slight pressure, do not tense the palm of your hand. This is what a raw steak feels like.

Rare Grilled Steak: Place your thumb and index finger together and press the palm of your hand with the index finger of the other hand. Final core temperature approx. 48 degrees.

Medium rare grilled steak: Place your thumb and middle finger together and press the palm of your hand with your index finger. Core temperature about 54 degrees.

Medium Grilled Steak: Bring your thumb and ring finger together and press the palm of your hand with the index finger of your other hand. Core temperature approx. 59 degrees.

Well done gegrilltes Steak: Put your thumb and little finger together and press the palm of your hand with the index finger of your other hand. Core temperature around 75 degrees.

Checking the doneness of the steak - infographic

Crispy hot bratwurst

Everyone has probably experienced this before: While the bratwurst looks crispy brown on the outside, it is still almost raw on the inside. The reason: it was only grilled directly over the embers at too high a heat. How to get them hot AND crunchy:

Tipp 1: Place the sausages in the indirect zone of the grill, close the lid and let them cook for ten minutes. So they get really nice and hot, but get (almost) no color.

Tipp 2: Only now are the sausages on the grate pulled over the direct zone of the grill and grilled there until they have the desired roasting or browning.

Crispy on the outside and hot on the inside: this is how a bratwurst should get from the grill to the plate!

Crispy on the outside and hot on the inside: this is how a bratwurst should get from the grill to the plate!

Photo: Christoph Michaelis

Juicy fish

Types of fish that have firm flesh and a high fat content, such as salmon, tuna, swordfish, are particularly suitable for grilling.

Their steaks are grilled over high direct heat from both sides (turn only once) for one to two minutes, then the inside is not cooked through and the fish is still slightly translucent.

► Fish fillets are placed with the skin side on the oiled grid for 5 to 6 minutes at 200 degrees direct heat. This creates an aromatic crust and the fish can be easily removed from the grid. After turning, the fillets are cooked for about 5 minutes over indirect heat.

► Always works and doesn’t stick: Fish off the wooden plank. To do this, boards (e.g. cedar, cherry) are soaked in water for a few hours. The fish is placed on the dried wood and the board is then placed in the direct zone of the grill until it begins to smoke on the underside. Then you pull the fish into the indirect zone and cook it there with the lid closed for about 20 minutes.

► Fish fillets also taste particularly aromatic when they are prepared with lemons or oranges. Another advantage: it is guaranteed not to stick to the grate.

What: | What: Michael Quandt

Crispy Poultry

Poultry quickly dries out on the grill and is then no longer edible, even with delicious dips and sauces.

Therefore: Grill the chicken or turkey escalope over direct heat on both sides and then let it cook through on the edge of the grill in the indirect zone. Important: Due to the risk of salmonella, poultry should always be grilled through.

Always works: Beercan BBQ Chicken. Put 150 ml beer in a bowl, mix with thyme, garlic, vegetable oil, paprika and cayenne pepper. Rub the chicken well inside and out with the marinade, season generously with freshly ground salt and pepper. Place the chicken on an open can with the remaining beer and grill over indirect heat, 140 to 160 degrees, and with the lid closed for about 60 to 70 minutes.

Crunchy vegetables

In principle, all firm-fleshed and juicy vegetables are suitable for the grill. However, they should only be grilled at medium heat, i.e. at around 120 to 150 degrees, so that they do not burn and the nutrients are preserved.

Vegetarian grilling is becoming more and more popular

Vegetarian grilling is becoming more and more popular

Foto: Natasha Breen/Adobe Stock

► Salt the courgettes and aubergines (cut lengthways) before grilling to remove the water.

► Cut the peppers into strips as wide as possible to have a large surface area on the grid.

It is best to pre-cook the corn on the cob, oil the asparagus (greener ones are more aromatic than white ones) before grilling. Tomatoes can be wonderfully filled with cream cheese or couscous.

Tipp: Before grilling, brush the vegetables with a homemade marinade made from rapeseed oil, rosemary, oregano, thyme and/or chili. Not only does it taste good, it also prevents the vegetables from sticking to the grid or drying out too quickly. If you want to be on the safe side, use a vegetable grill basket for grilling, then nothing will fall through the grate.

You can find even more tips and tricks for grilling on the Grill portal from

#Barbecue #season #bratwurst #steak #fish #guaranteed #succeed #life #knowledge

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