“BARBER!” » | FranceNight

by time news

2024-07-09 09:51:00

Oh yes!

Emmanuel Macron’s “undivided ginade” boasted that it had been thrown into our feet with a splash, not a blow. It was simply a tear gas can. A smoke screen. A veil (1) placed over Marianne’s face with a newly written National Convention (2):

  • Union of the Left (New Popular Front): 178 seats
  • Together! (President’s office): 150 seats
  • National Rally and its allies: 143 seats
  • Republicans: 39 representatives
  • Right range: 27 seats
  • Left range: 12 seats
  • Regionalists: 9 seats
  • Horizons: 6 seats
  • Various institutions: 6 seats
  • Union of Democrats and Independents: 3 seats
  • Socialist Party: 2 seats
  • Variety: 1 seat
  • Environmentalists: 1 seat

Indeed, thanks to a hyper-demonization that the RN is carried out in all the sauces by all the media between the two rounds, happened after a compliments of the RN Done throughout the European election campaign (necessary for hyper-demonization to work), Emmanuel Macron succeeded in his bet: these legislative elections did not produce any majority. By this I mean the majority of 289 representatives needed to be able to form a Government without the risk of it falling by the movement of the pointer.

And yes, before the first round, we sold it, probably because most of the RNs, it was heard in France. In the evening of the first round, he still had the Specter of this majority, but relative this time. Everything that is most unacceptable in France! By making people believe in the possibility of this majority, by putting the RN beyond the impossible, a huge smoke screen operation is hidden. Those who believe that the RN can be superior will be disappointed and by making it fall from an unreachable position, the opponents will claim victory by having torpedoed the artificially high position of the RN! In short, the eternal game to scare yourself and juggle with this “liberal arc” which will remove a group which will bring together 12 million voters. Are there many “fascists” in France or are there a few who plant this flag of fear to keep power at all costs, regardless of the cost? Be willing to compromise with the left at the risk of betraying your values ​​and throwing France into unprecedented chaos.

Hidden behind the absence of the majority, Emmanuel Macron will be able to continue to have a mask. Playing the Master of the Game, in the political game which will continue from now on in a clear way even before the release.

For what?

Because, both on the right and on the left, the “bears” will agree to create a very broad coalition that Emmanuel Macron called for between two rounds, “to save the Republic. »


Minister, good place. It’s very good. Excellent, too! According to Nobel Peace Prize winners, about whom Albert Einstein once said, “ I know some people who would be willing to kill to get the Nobel Peace Prize. », Most of these “tenants” are ready to do anything to be a minister.

Remember Before the election of Emmanuel Macron in 2017, Édouard Philippe, Bruno Le Maire, Gérald Darmanin, Éric Dupont-Moretti and Rachida Dati made foolish claims against him. That did not let them run away to him when he asked them to be ministers.

Now, it’s math. If we add to the 150 representatives “Together!” » (Macron), 6 delegates “Horizon” (Édouard Philippe), 27 delegates “Diversity Right”, 12 delegates “Diversity Left”, 6 delegates “Diversity center”, 2 delegates “Socialist Party”, deputy. “Various”, deputy “Ecologists”, all, they say, hope to be part of this hyper-coalition, the 39 representatives “Les Républicains” who have already announced that they will collaborate, and of course 9 ” Regional representatives” and 3 “Union of Democrats and Independents” representatives, which although they say they are independent will also be added (this is a previously announced decision), making 257 representatives.

Of course, this is 22 delegates less than the 289 needed to obtain a perfect majority. However, given that it has been established that the NFP will not cooperate with the census motion filed by the RN, and likewise the RN will not cooperate with the census motion posted by the NFP, this relative number of 229 representatives it will be enough. for Emmanuel Macron to be able to continue to fall as stated above. To work for chaos, and allow the end of his popularity Because it’s our project! » (The global project of the total destruction of father France) to the great evil of the country and the French, whatever their origin, their religion, their position on the social scale, etc. Who will be the only “French” winner? The genius that put Emmanuel Macron in power with this evil motive.

Because, this is what Emmanuel Macron will do to emphasize and improve the progress of this disorder: he will hunt down some of the leaders of the NFP, appoint them in the new Government that will make it with the Prime Minister that he will choose. to those within this relative majority of 229 representatives.

Yes! He will do it again to us in 2024, giving us what he did to us in 2017 with the so-called “classic” right (that is to say what was then UMP and which has become LR) and with the left ” Classic” (ie Socialist Party), but this time with the left wing, namely the NFP.

Yes! After having dissolved the “Natural” right and the “Natural” left in 2017, then, in 2024, dissolved the NFP and restricted the RN to the role of a simple spectator (a role that is not pleasant, far from it, I will come back to this in a future Editor), it is now all the political parties officially against the arrival of this chaos, which Emmanuel Macron has finally dissolved, with this dissolution of the National Assembly. (3)

With roughly 1/3 of NFP agents, 1/3 of agents “Together!” » and 1/3 of the RN representatives, in general France is happy: democracy has been respected and the Republic has been saved.

However, the problems are still there and the electoral smokescreen has become more visible. The show must go on. Now the negotiations for the role of the minister began when Attal’s resignation was written on the grounds of the upcoming Olympics. Consequently, fraudsters constantly use and advance their assets. Left and right, everyone has their own legs. The names are flying around (Darmanin, Hollande prance in the lead) while the left goes with “either or” when he says he is the first. Is there still a group that wants to rule this wandering France? Moving from the abysmal debt, which tries to incorporate into a Europe of a monarchy which also masks the real problems of the loss of competitiveness and independence of France. A new game of fear presents itself to which we will respond with “Europe is our home” without providing evidence, apart from the fact that money flows there, of course it only flows when it is an arc republic that is in power, because it If you are an RN this wonderful resource will disappear as if by magic. Isn’t that what fascism is all about, coupled with a form of discrimination against the 34% who voted for the RN? Techno-fascism I would even say, since it is a dictatorship of technology, of smoke and mirrors of ideas. Chris Bickerton rightly said: ” macronism is an undefined form of politics which is not yet connected with the realities, of the French ».

And, the French, and their hand in all this? Be on the sound too. The holiday season is coming soon, for those who can still go, and this will relieve their heat under the theme of global warming. And yes, we must continue to intimidate each other. When the fear of RN is removed by an independent arc that is unexpected, another subject must be shown. Eternal beginning again. A rest check for some, before checking back, will help calm the ardor of the most vulnerable, which gives the idea of ​​a universal situation that is responsive to everything.

“To win without risk, we win without glory”, regardless, the important thing is to maintain power, regardless of the means used, while giving a feeling of respect for values ​​and democracy.

1) secular or Masonic veil? The question needs to be asked. So I will answer soon.

2) well helped by withdrawals and delays to block the RN, who made a series of interventions to beat the RN voter during a duel in the second stage, and get the “friend of friends” (François Hollande, Élisabeth Borne, François Ruffin. ..) who will have been beaten by the only opponent who would have, otherwise, during the duel in the second round, to vote during the triangle that takes place. And it is also helped by the method of voting and the decision of the regions made for this purpose, which means that although there are almost two votes in their favor (10 million), the councils ” RN-Ciotti” received only 143 representatives, ie 7 representatives. less than “Together! »which has 6 million votes, and 35 representatives less than the coalition “New Popular Front” which has 7 million.

3) The Communist Party has no political influence at the national level since 2012.

#BARBER #FranceNight

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