‘Barbie’ preaches hatred of motherhood and war on the masculine

by time news

2023-07-21 21:25:19

Journalist Giovanna Mel did a comprehensive analysis of the film Barbie which went viral on social media. In her video, she denounced the attack on society’s symbols, the preaching against motherhood and the contempt for virtues and values. Fans of the doll denounced her en masse, which led to her being sanctioned by Instagram.

The film, in the journalist’s view, is “another narrative mainstream that dominated people’s minds” and “will affect behavior going forward because” because this is the natural result of the influence that communication exerts on the public.

In her analysis, Giovanna spares no detail and places an allusion that Barbie do the classic 2001 – A Space Odysseyin which a “girl takes the baby-shaped doll and acts like a sledgehammer, destroying household objects”, emulating the scene that represents the “evolution” of the 1968 film.

“Girls playing with dolls, playing house and the narrator says ‘girls could only play at being mothers, and that might even be cool, but for a while, ask your mother’. Suddenly, Barbie appears, that symbol of the perfect woman […] As if this gratuitous hatred of motherhood wasn’t enough, throughout the entire film, when Midge appears, who is a Barbie-friendly doll that according to them has been discontinued, everyone makes fun of it and thinks it’s strange to have a pregnant doll. Honestly, I don’t understand why so much hatred towards motherhood if we all come from a belly”, she points out.

Giovanna also criticizes the film’s exaggerated activism: “This symbol of the perfect, unattainable woman, emerged more than 50 years ago and came with this guideline that a woman can be anything, whatever she wants, beautiful, perfect, empowered – I know, it hurts your ears when you hear that word, but it translates the feminist movement […] There’s a moment in the film where a phrase like ‘Thanks to Barbie, problems of feminism and equality have been solved’.

The journalist makes a correlation with the story that the film tells with the facts of contemporary society: “This Barbie from the past broke standards and created a whole context in which a woman can do anything. […] There is only one point here that we need to draw attention to: today we have a generation of people who are anxious, lost in their personal lives and in their careers, who don’t know what to choose, don’t know where to go, position themselves, communicate and live true neuroses. The film itself brings Barbie with an anxiety attack to the present day”.

The sea of ​​gray tones created by the script to deny values ​​forms a scenario of disconnection with logic, says Giovanna: “When Barbie leaves Barbieland to go face the real world, she doesn’t have challenges, she doesn’t have very clear enemies, she doesn’t have a fight, she doesn’t have friends who help her in the process. She is alone, independent, empowered, and when she is faced with a pseudo problem, do you know how she solves it? Fighting? Facing? No. With the power of the mind. And look how funny: the theme in vogue on the internet and in the media has been the mindset, you get your stuff with the power of your mind. Work hard, face your monsters and life, nobody wants to”.

war on masculinity

Objective, Giovanna states without mincing words that the film directed by Greta Gerwig is a piece of ideological propaganda: “Barbie is a film about the war of the sexes. […] There is always an agenda, an intention behind it. Communication is never random, there is always a ‘why’. The film makes this war of the sexes very clear”.

“At first, Barbie is very strong, empowered. Women dominate Barbieland, they are presidents, they command that entire universe; men are fragile, submissive, sentimental, self-centered, they only care about appearance and material”, she lists, exemplifying how the feature film positions itself ideologically.

According to the journalist’s analysis, the script flirts with schizophrenia: “At a certain point, Ken ends up in the real world, discovers testosterone, masculinity, strength […] and when he returns to the feminine universe, Barbieland, and he brings this testosterone, this masculinity, the other Barbies like that and end up becoming more feminine, and according to the film, submissive, weak, manipulated, giving a connotation that when a woman is serving the man, she is passionate in a relationship with the man, she is necessarily in an abusive relationship because they give up high positions to become women, wives, and serve the man”.

“What is more bizarre is that they make it very clear that they are being manipulated, they wake up from this ‘dream’ at a certain moment, and they return to seize power through force and also through manipulation. They equate the sexes in the film on the negative side, on the worst side. Without virtues, without values, without values, and generating a neurosis in the minds of those who watch”, protests Giovanna Mel.

The idea that success is not attainable in the family is the summary of the script: “According to the film, it is very clear that a woman can only be powerful, hold high positions, have a career if she distances herself from the man, if she does not have a relationship with a man, if she goes alone”.

“Men are manipulated by these women, they end up going to war, and it is a war that is ridiculed. It’s ugly to see. It is a weak, petty war, it has no strength, no masculinity. Once again, cinema destroying symbols, destroying the symbol of the feminine and destroying the symbol of the masculine. And with that, generating neuroses […] They try to raise the banner that you don’t need to be the perfect Barbie, you can be an ordinary woman, you can have mental issues, you can be imperfect, but all of this is based on material things, but at no time is talk about virtues, conquests, the struggle between good and evil because evil ‘doesn’t even exist’”, she concludes.

The scathing criticism made by Giovanna Mel led to a wave of complaints against the video by fans, which resulted in a punishment from Instagram, with the blocking of some actions on the journalist’s account on the social network.

Fans of the doll denounced the journalist’s criticism of the film en masse

#Barbie #preaches #hatred #motherhood #war #masculine

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