Bari, Longo: “There is regret, but I will keep the performance. We must think about salvation”

by time news

REGRET AND PERFORMANCE – “There is regret because the many chances we had should have allowed us to take home three points, but I will take the performance. A mature performance by a team that after two defeats met Sassuolo and Sampdoria and was still able to stay in the game, to maintain lucidity for the entire 90 minutes, trying to win it through play. We didn’t succeed also due to a bit of imprecision in front of goal, but I like to think that the path we have taken is that of a group that is forming with great positivity”.

THE CHANGES – “In the second half we interpreted it much better: Lella and Falletti came on very well and we were able to explain well during the break the game that had to be played. The boys created several opportunities to take the lead, then the two entries on the field certainly allowed us to maintain a high level. Manzari’s entry? Forcing it with another attacker could also have meant risking losing it and at this moment we couldn’t afford to lose this game.”

IL 3-5-2 – “The choice of the three in the middle was dictated by a few situations: Sibilli’s absence, Falletti had arrived in that position but only a few hours earlier, we couldn’t start him from the beginning. In addition to that, it was the third match in a week, the forces had to be distributed on the pitch in the best way with the three midfielders. In my opinion we did it well.”

GOALS – “We have to think about safety right now because the start was like this. We have to be balanced, we can’t get carried away by easy enthusiasm or get depressed by performances that don’t arrive. Safety first of all, then if we are good at deserving on the pitch what for the team today is a dream, we certainly won’t back down. I am ambitious, as I said, and I want my team to become more and more ambitious too.”

THE BEGINNING – “The safe in football is dead and buried. This is a championship that must always be approached with great attention and great humility. Salvation must be achieved on the pitch, I hope it can arrive as soon as possible through humility and sacrifice. Then we will try to move the objective along the way. The beginning gave us fewer points than what the team proposed, in all the matches apart from the one with Juve Stabia we left the pitch with regrets. Talk is worthless, I don’t like making promises”.

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