Barillari: “Lollo photographs? Passionate but better as a sculptor”

by time news

“La Lollo was unique as an actress; but she was also very good as a photographer, although perhaps it was better as a sculptor… Let’s say that she was a passionate photographer and that instead of wasting time watering the flowers in her villa on the Appia Antica she preferred to publish books with his photos”. It’s a half-baked promotion, that of Rino Barillariinterviewed on the qualities of Gina Lollobrigida as a photographer.

“She often asked me to reveal some secrets of the trade – Barillari confesses – how I managed to take certain photos: I replied that I could tell her something but without exaggerating. And then, if I became too close to her, I couldn’t take certain photos of her ‘ that others would have done in my place”. About that, Barillari he reports that “sometimes I respected her in taking or not taking certain photos, other times not and the job prevailed over friendship…”.

The historic photographer points out: “However, we have lost a truly great woman, a character known throughout the world who represented ‘made in Italy’ beauty more than Sophia Loren that she was a more ‘Hollywood’ beauty. Everyone has fallen head over heels for her, from the heads of state to my father…”, she says Rino Barillari.

(Of Enzo Bonaiuto)

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