AADE unleashes a barrage of confiscations on taxpayers with overdue debts to the tax office, activating the new “big brother” from the beginning of September.

n;eo Eispraxis, which will be activated in its new form at the end of August, will enable automatic seizures on debtors’ accounts, since as soon as the debt becomes overdue the application will outline its profile.

Extract information

At the same time, it will draw information on its income and property image from all the information systems of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE), myAADE, Taxisnet, Icisnet, Elenxis as well as from third parties, such as Land Registry, GEMI, EFKA, KEAO, ERGANI, Stock Exchange, the banks, as well as from tax authorities of other countries.

Essentially, in this way, AADE is proceeding with the “digital file” of taxpayers with overdue debts, while it will have “black lists” ready at any time for those who can afford it but do not pay their debts.

The selection criteria of the new Eispraxis for the creation of a “digital file” will be the amount of debts, the amount of the debt as well as the income and property situation of the debtor, for whom the way will then be automatically opened for automatic confiscation of bank accounts.

It is also noteworthy that the confiscations will not be limited only to the main debtor, but will also be monitored and action taken against co-obligators (spouses, other relatives, guarantors, legal representatives).

From next month, simultaneously with the operation of the new Eispraxis, the two collection services of AADE, the Certification and Collection Centers (KEBEIS) operating in Athens and Thessaloniki and which have undertaken the hunt for debtors in the whole country.

It is pointed out that the “targets” of the services in question have first entered the taxpayers, natural and legal persons, with debts of more than 300,000 to the State, against whom the KEBEIS will immediately proceed to impose confiscations of income, deposits and assets, even and in auctions of their confiscated assets.


It is worth noting that the responsibilities of the Debt Collection Departments of KEBEIS are mainly the following:

● the pursuit of debt collection, as the debts are specified, determined and redefined by decision of the administrator of the Independent Public Revenue Authority.

● taking coercive, collateral and other measures to pursue the collection of debts.

● the pursuit of the collection of debts governed by special provisions, due to subjection to insolvency proceedings, such as bankruptcy or pre-bankruptcy proceedings or judicial proceedings for the settlement of debts of over-indebted natural persons, subjection to a regime of liquidation or judicial liquidation of inheritance, as well as debts of scholastic inheritances.

Unregulated debts

In any case, the services of AADE are once again targeting the more than 580,000 taxpayers with unregulated overdue debts to the tax administration. Of these debtors, those who owe amounts greater than 500 euros are at risk of confiscation of their movable or immovable assets.

It is noteworthy that, based on the latest figures from the AADE, of the total of 4,253,031 taxpayers with overdue debts to the Tax Administration, 2,134,014 are those against whom it is possible to impose confiscations of income, deposits and assets, as they have not taken care to pay off or arrange the repayment of their debts in installments, while such measures have already been imposed on 1,525,162 of them.

In the last period, moreover, the DOU and the other tax collection services of the AADE impose seizures every month on more than approximately 5,000 State debtors against whom such measures can be taken. But the pace of foreclosures is accelerating month by month.

It is characteristic that in 2023 there were 78,353 more confiscations than in 2022, since debtors under compulsory collection measures from 1,412,322 in 2022 had increased the previous year to 1,490,675.

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