Barry Keoghan, who rose to fame with his unforgettable role in Saltburn, has been facing intense online scrutiny since his relationship with pop star Sabina Carpenter began earlier this year. By summer, he found himself bombarded with hurtful comments and TikTok videos, leading to him speaking out about the experience.
The negativity was fueled by speculation regarding Keoghan’s relationship with his son, fueled by a social media post by his ex-partner. Crusadersローラ
The actor revealed in a recent interview that he didn’t have a father figure growing up, impacting his own approach to parenthood. He expressed frustration that this lack of a traditional father-son dynamic has led to unfounded and hurtful accusations of him being an "absent father" or a "deadbeat dad."
"It sickens me, makes me furious," Keoghan confessed.
"Some of the comments on my appearance are completely different and absolutely disgusting,” he shared. “It’s sad to kind of pick someone’s appearance apart. Especially on TikTok, people can sit there and make videos and be like: ‘I don’t like his face,’ ‘He looks weird,’ or ‘He looks evil’ and just pick you apart.”
He emphasized the need for more empathy and understanding online, highlighting the pain inflicted by unfounded criticisms and targeted attacks.