Bayrou considers the NFP program “dangerous”, especially without LFI in government

by time news

2024-08-26 00:56:47

While the white smoke above Matignon, François Bayrou reiterated his red line on Sunday on French politics. And according to him, the direction to be taken should not be supported by the New Elite Front because of its “system [est] dangerous for the country.

We invited the Master of Modem on LCI to respond to the proposal of Jean-Luc Mélenchon for the lack of participation of the Insoumis in a government of the leader of the candidate NFP in Matignon, Lucie Castets. “It’s a joke and you know the full extent of the hand that you try to draw,” replied François Bayrou, “the opposition to the establishment of a government around the LFI is not at all for moral, human, or even physical questions”, but “mainly because of the announced plan”.

Same story in Horizons

A close friend of the President therefore let him know how bad he thinks of the ideas defended by the NFP. The left-wing coalition has “very heavy items” especially in terms of immigration and public finances, he stressed, considering it “impossible” to make joint decisions on these subjects, and on security, nuclear power or Europe.

And around Emmanuel Macron, he is far from being the only one to have this idea. The same story, for example from the representative of Horizons, Laurent Marcangeli, who confirmed that the NFP system “if used, will cause a crisis”. Therefore “we will oppose it with all the resources that the State has given us”, which may “result in the vote of the movement of the interview”, he warned in an interview with Figaro.

Bardella, Le Pen, Ciotti expected at the Élysée

Basically, for the leaders of the presidential camp – which Emmanuel Macron received at the Elysée on Friday – “the subject is how the LFI ministers as well as the strict application of the NFP program itself is supported by the LFI” , summarizes the friend close to the head. of the state.

It remains to be seen which way Emmanuel Macron will lean in his choice to replace Gabriel Attal. The negotiations will resume this Monday, the Head of State receiving Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen for the RN, then Éric Ciotti, and the presidents of the Senate Gérard Larcher and of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet.

#Bayrou #considers #NFP #program #dangerous #LFI #government

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