BCP | BCP and Pilsen: how this campaign came about, what’s to come and what the experts say about it | BC Pilsen | Pilsen | marketing | campaign | ECONOMY

by time news

2023-08-21 16:10:42

It was all part of an intrigue campaign, last week, to launch BCPilsen, a digital platform that seeks to promote financial education and savings among young people, which also rewards them for achieving goals. A joint initiative, the result of the alliance of these two emblematic Peruvian brands.

LOOK: What is behind the campaign of intrigue between BCP and Pilsen?

This idea or ‘provocation’, as Alejandro Molina, Vice President of Marketing at Backus, calls it, which was born from the beer company. “Although it seems that we don’t have much in common, the targets are similar and we are brands in a similar stage. As part of our sustainability campaigns, we care a lot about saving with returnability. [de nuestros envases y que con ello se reduce el precio del producto], and we wanted an ally to make it powerful. The opening was total ”, he maintains.

Anna Lenka Jáuregui, BCP Marketing and Communications Manager, highlights that the message that two brands that apparently have nothing in common like a ‘chela’ and a bank come together to generate a positive impact has been very relevant. And they found a common point in savings, that BCP works a lot, as part of financial education in its sustainability strategy, and that it is aimed above all at young people. There, when purpose and public coincide, she adds, they made the perfect ‘match’ with Backus. There was a lot of strategic work, Molina tells us, in order to find the purpose and the KPIs against which they could be measured.

Last week, some branches of the BCP bank in Lima appeared with the logo intervened in this way with the P for Pilsen, and the Pilsen bottles with the P for BCP. These actions, say the executives of both brands, have been only for this phase of the intrigue campaign.

Intervening the logos was the decision that required the most discussion, since it is not something that normally happens. But in the face of the campaign and the alliance, it was something that made sense for them to do and that symbolically represented a lot: our purposes merge to be an ally of the users’ plans.

“Something that we found interesting, when the intrigue is launched, is that people expected this to have a commercial purpose such as returning to 3×10 in Pilsen, discounts and promotions. It has been powerful that two such big brands come together with a non-commercial objective but with a focus on sustainability”, affirms the executive. However, he tells us that with it the door has been opened to see opportunities to develop more commercial proposals like the ones people have been asking for.

Molina agrees and comments that both brands have interesting ‘assets’ to carry out other types of commercial actions-together-for their target audiences. He assures that it is the first time that a brand and a bank have formed an alliance like this.

As for the results of this campaign, both brands are chasing some measurable KPIs. For the BCP, the objectives are more linked to the scope of financial education micro-courses -on the platform- that provide points so that users can win prizes and with this, also increases the use of its Warda savings tool by 5 thousand new users. On the Pilsen side, these are directed more towards ‘awareness’ of returnability, which is also intended to be promoted on the website, in order to reach 65%. And together they hope that with the campaign some 50,000 people will register on the BCPilsen platform.

Experts think of the campaign

Ximena Vega Amat y León, CEO of Claridad Strategic Coaching and marketing expert, highlights that the intrigue campaign has been very well orchestrated, with good intervention of logos and good interaction between brands; However, “the reveal is a bit flat, which did not come to close the campaign for both brands or for the expectations [que generó]. I feel like it capitalizes on BCP more than Pilsen,” she states.

Milton Vela, CEO of Café Taipá, agrees that the intrigue was very impressive and differential, which led us to expect an equally significant reveal. “It doesn’t seem to me that the reveal was the best, not very well explained, in a simple way and that has an impact”, he notes. For Vela, the issue of sustainability is not very clear in both cases equally and he mentions that you have to be careful with a term like this.

On this point, Vega considers that, in his opinion, many, very broad concepts are being covered, but he is confident that with development, the teams will gradually join the puzzles.

The intrigue campaign generated many interactions on social networks, in which users asked for the return of beer promotions, as well as promotions between the two brands. The guinea pig is part of the spots. Milton Vela, CEO of Café Taipá, indicates that the presence of the guinea pig used to be more associated with entrepreneurs, in its beginnings, 10 years ago.

It stands out, meanwhile, that this is a good starting point for companies in other categories to do similar powerful things and actions for the consumer.

Although ‘cobrandings’ are common in advertising, Vega affirms that one that is integrated at that level of intervening its locos has not been seen in Peru, but it has been seen in other countries in the region and among large global brands. The expert also indicates that he does not remember a similar union for issues related to sustainability that are massive.

Vega, as a bonus track, highlights that the Pardos Chicken brand took advantage of the intrigue as an opportunity to participate in the digital conversation in a fun way, taking advantage of the fact that its P was similar to that of Pilsen.


In social networks

Impact _ The campaign had an impact on more than 3 million people on Twitter and was a trend for the first two days. In addition, in the first 72 hours of the campaign, more than 65K interactions between Facebook and Instagram have been registered.

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