BDA: The old man from Shikun Squire has passed away

by time news

The figure of the old Rabbi Meir Yehuda Halevi Wazner, the father of Rabbi Squire in Montreal and a reader for decades in the court of Hasidism, has been uprooted from the Squire Chassidut.

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: From Shikun Squire in New York comes the news of the passing of a good return of the old Rabbi Chassid Rabbi Meir Yehuda Halevi Wazner, an old Squire follower in Shikun and he is 99 years old at his death.

Until his last days he functioned and had a clear mind, but to his chagrin he turned in recent days to the hospital, where he returned his soul to its creator.

The late deceased was associated with the Rebbe of Beit Squire, the late Rebbe Yaakov Yosef of Squire and the Rebbe Shlita.

For sixty years he raised funds for the benefit of the institutions and credited the many by being a reader in the great beit midrash in Shikun every Shabbat on Shabbat.

The late deceased with his son Raved Squire Shlita

He blessed and left behind a blessed righteous generation, sons of Torah scholars and halakhic judges, his son Rabbi Yochanan Segal Wazner, author of the books of the Chai Halevi Responsa, Rabbi of the Squire Chassidim and Rabbi of the Community of Chassidut in Montreal, Canada Who was known for not eating meat, due to his strict adherence to kosher and only ‘songs’ of the righteous.

Funeral procession tonight (Wednesday) at 7:30 p.m. at Squire Housing in New York.

The Rebbe of Squire, who is currently in Malibu, California, has instructed all Hasidim and yeshiva students to attend the funeral procession and pay their last respects.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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