Be a caring and fraternal youth, facing challenges: Pope Francis

by time news

A summary of the thoughts the Pope shared with the youth at Thiruhridayanam School.

Monsignor Joji Vadakara, Vatican City

During a meeting with young people at the School of the Name of the Sacred Heart on the evening of November 5th, the third day of Pope Francis’ apostolic journey, the Pope expressed his happiness to see the atmosphere of dialogue between different cultures and religions in Bahrain. The Pope reminded us that young people from different cultures are the leaven of the world and are obliged to promote the seed of fraternity and bring innovation, crossing many obstacles and borders. The Pope highlighted the role of young people in creating a new world with a humane dimension and a more fraternal one. In this regard, the Pope gave three appeals to young people, taking into account the testimonies and doubts of the children

Embrace a culture of care

The Pope spoke about embracing a culture of care by referring to the words of Sister Rosell, who welcomed the Pope. To treat others with care is to maintain an attitude of compassion within. It means shedding the air of indifference and being considerate of others. If we do not turn away from personal interests and care for others, we will be prisoners of a miserable life, the Pope exhorted. When we look at Jesus as a Christian, we can understand that Jesus’ life was guided by concern for others. Jesus looked others in the eye, was willing to listen to them, be close to them, and touch their wounds. He came into history to make us understand that the Most High God cares for us. Standing with God means caring about others, especially those who need our help.

In order to care for others we must first become concerned for ourselves. For that, we have to take care of our inner self, our soul and heart. For that we must be ready to listen to our heart. That way we should be able to talk to God. We must tell Him about ourselves and about each person we meet. Just as there is no joy without love, there is no prayer without relationships.

Love means caring for others. We should not live with the attitude of a visitor. We should live by caring for others and leaving a memory. That way we can also help the seeds of brotherhood to grow.

Sow brotherhood

Quoting a boy named Abdullah, the Pope exhorted us to be fighters of brotherhood. The Pope reminded us that we cannot make our world more peaceful or fraternal with the advancement of technology alone. Wars continue to be a major threat in many places. This is because we cannot fix our hearts. Caste, cultural and religious differences act as barriers and instead of growing together we remain divided. Conflicts arise when individuals feel that they are stronger than siblings.

The Pope called on the youth to become those who sow brotherhood and those who gain the future. As seen in the Bible, according to his Christian faith, the Pope said that he who does not love his visible brother cannot love the invisible God, and God tells us that he who loves God must love his brother. The Pope reminded us that living in brotherhood is the great calling of all creation.

The Pope reminded us that we should have an open mind to those who do not live my interests, faith and traditions. The Pope called on us to walk beyond the walls of prejudice and fear and to develop the friendship of sisterhood. Quoting the words of the prophet Malachi, the Pope asked how we, created by the same God, can be unfaithful to each other (Malachi 2,10).

Choices in life

Faced with life’s challenges, we are prepared to make certain choices. But they should not be based on mere feelings or instincts. Quoting the words of a girl named Marina, the Pope reminded us that we must learn to walk in the right direction and make the right decisions in life in order for our choices to be right. Referring to his own youth, the Pope said it was important to strive to move forward courageously and not to go it alone. The Pope reminded us that God speaks to us through our thoughts and feelings and we must seek his help for that.

The Pope exhorted that the voice of God can be heard through silent prayer and conversation with him. The Pope assured that God wants to help you and that he will help you make the right choices. The Pope reminded us that it is not God, but us who separate persons and events from God. But the Pope added that we must strive to cultivate the thought that he is God who cares for us.

The Pope called on young people to seek advice from wise people in life before spreading advice on the Internet. The Pope advised seeking guidance from elders and spiritual fathers, which include parents and teachers.

The Pope emphasized that the Church needs young people. The church needs young people to come out of the ordinary, to bring new life to the church and to move forward in new ways. The Pope asked them to acquire the culture of care, become warriors of brotherhood and face the challenges of life with the help of good mentors. The Pope offered prayer help to all, offered his prayers to the young people and ended his sermon with the wish God be with you.

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