be careful! Mysterious hepatitis in children It has begun to spread in Asia! What is the disease? What are the symptoms?

by time news

be careful! Mysterious hepatitis in children The epidemic has begun in Asia, with the World Health Organization being notified of a mysterious increase in cases of acute hepatitis (hepatitis) in Scotland. Similar cases have occurred among children in Europe and even in the United States. and on April 28 Japan found a patientMysterious hepatitis in childrenThe first in Japan and also the first in Asia

be careful! Mysterious hepatitis in children has begun to spread in Asia

Image: Wikipedias

The latest World Health Organization (WHO) reported “169 cases of acute hepatitis of unknown cause” in Europe and the United States as of April 21, 2022. Including the latest cases in Japan, the change has a total of 170 worldwide. Found in various countries as follows

United Kingdom (114), Spain (13), Israel (12), United States (9), Denmark (6), Ireland (<5), Netherlands (4), Italy (4), Norway (2) , France ( 2), Romania (1), Belgium (1) and Japan (1)

It is mainly found in children between the ages of 1 month and 16 years and up until now. At least 17 children need liver transplants as a result of the mystery hepatitis. One death was reported.

by symptoms Mysterious pediatric hepatitis includes abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), and elevated liver enzyme levels. And the patients did not have symptoms similar to those of the common hepatitis A to E virus patients from the infection in these young patients. Hepatitis A to E is not found at all, so the cause of this acute hepatitis is unknown.

Japan’s Ministry of Health confirmed that the young patient had never had a liver transplant before. Has tested negative for COVID-19 and tested for Adenovirus, a virus that can cause disease in many systems in the body. negative as well While more than 40% of the world’s mysterious hepatitis patients have detected the virus.

Thailand prepares to cope Mysterious hepatitis in children

be careful!  Mysterious hepatitis in children
Pictured: Center for Medical Genomics

In Thailand, by the Medical Genome Center, Ramathibodi Hospital, is preparing to decode genetics. “If there is an outbreak in Thailand” to check for “viruses” or “microorganisms” that may cause a number of children around the world to develop symptoms. “Mysterious pediatric hepatitis” caused by unknown causes by the Medical Genome Center It provides virus and microbial testing by NGS technology, which is more sensitive than laboratory culture. More than 25,000 pathogenic and many non-pathogenic microorganisms and viruses can be detected. (Metagenomics) in a single examination. Many viruses cannot be cultured in vitro. Samples to be taken include blood, feces, urine and other secretions.

Mashable reference Center for Medical Genomics

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be careful! Mysterious hepatitis in children It has begun to spread in Asia! What is the disease? What are the symptoms?

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