Be careful when shopping – plastic bags are now prohibited! – Business

by time news

There is not much left in the plastic bag …

At the start of the new year there is a big change in supermarkets: plastic bags are (almost completely) banned!

Since January 1, 2022, customers have had to do without the majority of shopping aids. BILD explains which plastic bags are still allowed and why the regulation is being introduced nationwide.

Which bags are banned – which are still allowed?

Basically, the so-called “light plastic carrier bags” are prohibited. In other words, plastic bags with a wall thickness of 15 to 50 micrometers may no longer be given out. This applies above all to the standard bags that you get when you go shopping.

► Exempt from the ban, which has been in force since Saturday, are reusable bags that are made from a thicker plastic (wall thickness thicker than 50 micrometers) and can be used several times for shopping.

And: Even the thin, so-called “shirt bags” that can be found in the fruit and vegetable department of almost every supermarket are not banned.

Photo: Marcel Kusch / dpa

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The so-called “shirt bags”, which are mainly used in the fruit and vegetable department, are not affected by the new banPhoto: Marcel Kusch / dpa

► The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMU) justifies this exception with the fact that the bags “ensure hygienic handling of open and perishable food”.

According to the ministry, a ban would lead to “more (pre-) packaging on the market” and in the end result in MORE packaging waste than is currently available.

Why is there a ban on plastic bags now?

The BMU, which has been in the hands of Minister Steffi Lemke (53, Greens) since December 8, justifies the far-reaching ban on plastic bags with a “waste of resources” and a danger to the environment.

According to the ministry, “tons” of plastic bags are still being used, which are only used once and then end up in the trash.

► “In 2019, 1.49 billion lighter plastic bags were in circulation in Germany. In order to finally bring their consumption to zero, Germany will completely prohibit the placing on the market of light plastic bags from January 1, 2022 ”, according to the ministry on its website.

It will be really expensive for traders who do not adhere to the new ban. If they continue to offer single-use plastic bags with a wall thickness of less than 50 micrometers, they will face fines of up to 100,000 euros, according to the ministry.


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