Beaches free to individuals for 8 years, the controversy mounts –

by time news The Masci administration gives the free beaches in concession to private individuals for eight years and the center-left protests. “After the choice of the Colle Breccia sports center, which risks being given in concession for twenty years to a private company with a completely questionable administrative procedure”, accuse the directors of the Democratic Party, Lista Sclocco Sindaco and Città Aperta, “the center-right now aims to make free beaches real bathing concessions given to private companies for eight years, and announces tenders for the assignment of public parks after modifying the regulation that triples the buildable area within them. This center-right wants to leave only the air free ». The stance bears the signature of the directors Piero Giampietro, Stefania Catalano, Francesco Pagnanelli, Marco Presutti, Marinella Sclocco, Giovanni Di Iacovo e Mirko Frattarelli and the Young Democrats led by the regional secretaries Claudio Mastrangelo and provincial Lorenzo Marinari.

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