Bear attack in Dro, Coldiretti: «We said it a few days ago in our presentation» – News

by time news

DRO. After the events in Dro, Coldiretti of Trentino returns to his office, and he does so with a statement from his regional president Gianluca Barbacovi: « A few days after the great mobilization that brought hundreds of farmers and breeders to the streets of Trento to say ” enough ” With the uncontrolled presence of wolves and bears, here is another news story: this morning a bear attacked a German tourist in Dro, and injured his arms and legs. On Thursday in front of the Palace of the Region we shouted it out loud: “We need solutions now!”. The unmanaged presence of bears and wolves is a serious problem not only for breeders and farmers, but for everyone and the impact this widespread phenomenon will have on other economic sectors, such as tourism.”

There is no lack of political digging: «Perhaps, before more agricultural areas are legally sacrificed in favor of luxury hotels, it would be appropriate to fully guarantee the safety of those tourists who are at risk of losing them if we do not intervene immediately to manage the problem. After the destruction of the animals and the damage to the infrastructure, it is now clear that the uncontrolled presence of wildlife is a constant danger to public safety, It’s time to say enough! We must move immediately from a conservation policy to a management policy of the phenomenon.”

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