Beautiful police officer killed her boyfriend with the help of her lover: the love triangle inspired a furious series on Netflix

by time news

2023-09-22 23:08:35

With a spatula

September 22 2023, 5:08 pm
Rosa and Pedro had been in a formal relationship for a year and had been living together in Cubelles for six months. She was bothered by his jealousy.

On Wednesday, May 3, 2017, Rosa Peral spoke to her neighbor Manuel GR via WhatsApp. Although both are in a relationship, they have already had sexual encounters and have exchanged erotic photos. Manuel immediately responds: “Send something.” She does it. From what Rosa – who is the Urban Police of Barcelona, ​​Spain, like her partner – tells him in a message, Manuel understands that she and Pedro Rodríguez have had a fight and that he has left with his motorcycle. .

By Carolina Balbiani | Infobae

She asks him anxiously: “Will we repeat?” She speaks in code. It refers to whether they will have sexual relations again. The chat lights up with more spicy photos. Then, Manuel, worried that one of their respective partners will discover them, sends her another message. He asks Rosa to delete the photos and chat. She answers something that today, knowing what happened, sounds gloomy: “Of course, if he doesn’t kill me!”

Pedro couldn’t kill anyone, he had already been dead for almost two days.

Rosa and Albert’s plan was to blame Rubén, her ex-husband, for the crime. of Peter. For this reason, after the murder they went to the vicinity of Rubén’s house with the dead man’s phone on (Pau Venteo – Europa Press)

Rose’s thorns

Rosa is a mortally beautiful young woman. Deadly sensual. She has long hair that falls like an eternal dark waterfall without waves. Furthermore, she knows how to move sensually, she exudes eroticism. She is said to have been a nightclub dancer before becoming a Urban Police at the age of 23. In her lifestyle, her erotic videos are commonplace.

Rosa was already part of the city’s strength when on February 23, 2008 she was upset by those. All of her colleagues, including her partner Rubén, received an email from her account with a photo where she was seen performing fellatio. She knew immediately who she had been: a colleague of hers, Sub-Inspector Oscar S., with whom she had had sexual relations. He had photographed her giving him fellatio and knew her secrets. She was in revenge for ending the relationship. Rosa flew into a rage and denounced Oscar. The case reached the media under the title: “The revenge porn of the Urban Police.” She stated that he had spread the photos of her so that everyone would “see her as a whore.” She didn’t get much. She had to ask for a transfer from the police station to stop being looked at with contempt and endure the ridicule. And the case came to trial nine years later, when she was already up to her neck in jail, for something much more serious. For a murder.

Oscar was summoned and declared that during their meetings both had taken photographs, however, he claimed not to be the one who appeared in that image and said he did not recognize “that penis as mine.” The court considered that the evidence was not sufficient to support the accusation and acquitted the sub-inspector.

Case closed for Rosa’s rage.

sexual voracity

That embarrassing scandal did not stop the sexual voracity of the beautiful Rosa. Although she separated from her at the time of her partner Rubén Carbó, he ended up forgiving her and they got back together. They had two daughters and Rosa’s parents helped them with the purchase of a house with a garden. The separation came anyway when he discovered her affair with another police officer.

Let’s see how everything goes. We are now in 2017. Rosa is 36 years old; two daughters, 6 and 4 years old; an ex-partner named Rubén who is Mosso d’esquadra, citizen security police; her current partner Pedro Rodríguez (38, separated with a son), a Guardia Urbano like her and with whom she has lived for six months and, in addition, she has her old clandestine lover with whom she comes and goes and who is part of the same force , Albert López (39). Albert is a violent police officer who practices boxing and is extremely possessive. He doesn’t have children and he can’t accept her being with someone else.

Among the various fronts she has open, Rosa fights with Rubén for custody of the two minors; she argues with her lover and battles with her current partner out of jealousy. Her life is pure adrenaline, a sexual hell. She feels like an expert in dominating the male desire that she knows how to awaken so well.

Alberto López and Rosa Peral accused each other in the trial. The two made excuses that the judges did not believe.

A revealing metal plate

On the night of Thursday, May 4, 2017, there is a party for the municipal police officers. Rosa leaves her daughters with her parents and goes to the party with Albert, her ex-lover, who picks her up. She tells her family that she is fighting with Pedro. To the surprise of the police troops, she does not arrive at the celebration with Pedro but with his lover (it is not a secret to anyone that they have been together). A friend of Pedro’s, surprised, calls him and leaves a message on his cell phone: he tells him that Rosa has fallen into the celebration with Albert López. Pedro does not answer him.

Rosa and Albert dance, eat, laugh.

Meanwhile, in the dark swamp of Foix, a cyclist from Tarragona discovers a burned car. He calls the emergency services and says that he was going along the tracks that border the swamp when he came across a burned car. It’s a Golf GTI. A police patrol arrives at the scene and examines the remains of the burned car. They send the vehicle license plate to the headquarters. They assume that they are facing a narco revenge, but in the trunk they find the remains of a charred body. When they are told who the car belongs to, they jump: it belongs to a Police Officer. One of them.

Meanwhile, Rosa has stopped strutting on the dance floor and returns to her parents’ house to look for her daughters. She puts them in the car and goes to her house. Sleep deep.

In the swamp the homicide experts are already working. The agents already know that the owner is a police officer who has been on leave without receiving his salary since August 2016 for having hit a motorcycle rider. His name is Pedro Rodríguez. They have his cell phone so they call him to leave him a message: they have found his car with a body inside it. Pedro, for obvious reasons to us of course, does not respond.

Among the ashes they find a small piece of metal with a number.

A couple of hours later the police go to Pedro’s girlfriend’s house. They wake up Rosa Peral, who discovers that curiously she is also a police officer. They ask him where Pedro is. She reveals that he has left after a fight, that they were not getting along at all, and that she has a major beef with her ex-husband over custody of her daughters. Rosa is also on sick leave, but it is due to depression and she continues to receive her salary. She doesn’t tell them that that night she has been dancing with her lover. The authorities reveal to her that they have found her body in Pedro’s car and ask her if he had undergone spinal surgery.

The metal plate is analyzed and matches the one that was placed on her boyfriend months before during surgery. There is no doubt that he is the dead man.

Rosa, the beautiful Rosa, cries inconsolably.

When he later goes to testify, he shows his last chat with Pedro. It’s from May 2nd. In the last message, Rosa is the one who tells him: “I love you so much.”

Rosa goes to the funeral. She looks devastated. She hugs Pedro’s ex-wife and comforts her little son who is now an orphan.

During the 2020 judicial process, Rosa Peral and Albert López were found guilty by a popular jury, receiving sentences of 25 and 20 years in prison, respectively. After serving the prison sentence, they will have to undergo ten years of supervised release, maintaining a minimum distance of one thousand meters from the relatives of the deceased.

Who killed Pedro?

The researchers’ hypotheses are several. Pedro, who was a sanctioned traffic officer, with a disciplinary process underway, did not earn a single cent. He was surely desperate to find money to support his son. Could he have been into something illegal? Nothing closes them. Pedro was nervous, yes; impulsive, too. But drug? His ex-wife says no, it’s impossible. Rosa, on the other hand, insists that anything is possible. She says that they had been dating for a year, but that they have only lived together, in Cubelles, for the last six months.

A couple of days later Rosa goes to tell the investigators that she believes that the person responsible for the crime could be her ex-partner, Rubén, the father of her two daughters. Nothing less. She tells them that Rubén usually runs in the Foix reservoir and that she knows him perfectly.

The police stop their antennas. They go to interview him and Rubén gives them a new name. There is a lover of Rosa who is also a Civil Guard. In fact, he has separated from Rosa after twelve years because he discovered that she was unfaithful to him with this violent police officer, named Albert López. The list is getting longer and jealousy can be a good reason. But after Albert, another police officer had appeared in the life of Rosa, the thorny one: Pedro, the dead one.

The triangle of death

The reconstruction of the events is progressing slowly due to the complexity of the relationships. They know that the death of Pedro Rodríguez occurred on the night of Monday, May 1, 2017, shortly before starting Tuesday, the 2nd; that the next day the murderers hid his body in the trunk of Pedro’s car and then drove to the Foix reservoir, in Castellet and Gornal, where they doused the vehicle with fuel before setting it on fire. Those are the facts. Pedro burned and goodbye footprints. At least that’s what those responsible believed. Because the metal medical pin inserted in his spine would be the indicator of who the dead man was.

From there everything is guesswork. Who could have committed such a murder?

Spanish true crime

In the first prison she was in, Rosa would have told other inmates that she had killed Pedro by poisoning him. Another inmate friend of hers stated: “She gave him medicine with water to calm him down because they were arguing loudly.” Inside the prison she also acknowledged that she had tried to kill Rubén, her ex-husband, by hiring a hitman for 30 thousand euros because he would not let her daughters see their maternal grandparents. It is not known if all this is true, but just in case, for a time, Rubén was placed in special custody.

The beautiful Rosa, it is known, is extremely dangerous despite being locked behind thick iron bars.

Aware that Netflix was going to air her story, the convict made a court order with her lawyer to watch the series before it was broadcast. She asked the judge to prevent the departure in case Netflix did not agree to her request. She demanded money from Netflix for royalties and claimed that she had been unfairly cannibalized by the press.

He was not successful and only managed to change some names in the series and ensure that his daughters were respected. In fact, the series always talks about only one daughter when in reality she has two and Rubén calls it something else.

Pedro’s sad story arrived on Netflix on September 8 of this year, in eight chapters, with the title The Body on Fire and is a trend on the platform. Úrsula Corberó (girlfriend of Chino Darín and who played “Tokyo” in the series La Casa de Papel) is the one who personified Rosa Peral. The actress assured that she refused to interview Rosa to play the role and that she had thought a lot about representing someone “who is a toxic person, with many dualities, insecurities and a lot of ambition. I had many doubts whether or not to take the character…”

Rosa reacted obviously upset against the actress’s statements and spoke on Radio de Catalunya on September 20: “The protagonist of the series said that it was a role that had been difficult for her to do because according to her, I am a toxic person. At what point has she judged me for being toxic or not being toxic?

After the docuseries was broadcast, Rosa Peral decided to break her silence and from prison she gave a report where she shared her vision of what happened in another film that Netflix also put in its catalog: The Rosa Peral Tapes. In it, Rosa speaks for the first time in an interview from prison where she again insists that she has not committed the crime.

Read more at Infobae

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