Because he mocked judges: Justice Minister waddles World Doctors boss – domestic politics

by time news

The new Minister of Justice strengthens the back of the German judges!

After the harsh criticism of the world doctor boss Frank Ulrich Montgomery (69) of judgments on corona measures, Marco Buschmann (44, FDP) has now spoken out.

On Twitter, the liberal writes on Sunday evening: “Germany can be proud of its highly qualified and independent judiciary. It opens access to the law and brings the idea of ​​the rule of law to life. Therefore, it deserves respect – regardless of whether the viewer makes every decision. “

Boom! A clear announcement to world doctors boss Montgomery.

Montgomery had previously criticized judges for some rulings on corona rules.

“I bump into the fact that little judges stand up and, like in Lower Saxony, 2G in the retail trade because they do not consider it proportionate,” said Montgomery of the “world”.

A court would presume to reject something that scientific and political bodies had laboriously wrested from, with reference to proportionality.
“I have big problems there. There are situations in which it is right to rank the rights of freedom after the right to physical health – not just for yourself, but for everyone. And we have such a situation, ”emphasized the medical representative.

Photo: Guido Kirchner / dpa

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World Doctors President Frank Ulrich Montgomery (69) sharply criticized some of the Corona judgmentsPhoto: Guido Kirchner / dpa

The Lower Saxony Higher Administrative Court (OVG) in Lüneburg overturned the 2G rule in retail in the state on December 16. The court decided that the measure was not necessary to further contain the coronavirus and was not compatible with the general principle of equality.

Among other things, the Senate complained that there were no reliable and comprehensible findings on the actual risk of infection in retail. In addition, the state could oblige retail customers to wear an FFP2 mask. This would lower the risk of infection to such an extent “that it could almost be neglected,” said the court.


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