Because the people decided, Morena will monopolize plurinominal seats: AMLO

by times news cr

The President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador He again justified that Morena and its allies could monopolize the plurinominal seats because “the people decided.”

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This Tuesday, when questioned about whether to advance the project of the INE that Morena and allies have 373 plurinominal deputies, which would be a hoarding and “put democracy at risk,” the outgoing president said:

“Yes, but it is the will of the people. The people decided this – that Morena would win in almost the entire country – but that does not suit the powerful.”

Photo: Screenshot/ Chamber of Deputies 2024-2027

He even resumed his attack on businessmen by saying that “since it does not suit the oligarchy, and its spokesmen and cronies,With all due respect, the vote is no longer valid. (…) so that the money men don’t get angry, we are going to violate the Constitution.”

He even said that “accepting without conceding” that if the “sensible, fair and balanced interpretation” requested by the businessmen through the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) that the distribution is by coalition and not by party:

-PRI would go from 24 to 50 plurinominals
-PAN from 36 to around 100 plurinominals
-Morena would go from 87 to about 40 plurinominals

So for López Obrador, behind the above is the concern of the powerful of losing control of the Judicial Power and the management of “communications policy” and they decided that Pemex and the Federal Electricity Commission are monopolies.

He also reiterated his request to the five richest businessmen in the country to give their opinion on the constitutionality or not of the distribution of plurinominal seats.

In his morning press conference on Tuesday, López Obrador launched the challenge:

So, Carlos Slim, I want your opinion, not from the President, but from the people of Mexico.and there is no need to consult lawyers, he is very intelligent, he has practical judgment (…) then Carlos Slim, Germán Larrea, Ricardo Salinas, Fernando Bailléres and María Asunción Aramburuzabala. 5 what do you think? Let’s see what you think?

The president pointed out that these 5 people on the list of the 10 millionaires who saw their fortune grow during the current administration “are listened to and respected, and we want them to help us live in a country with a genuine rule of law.”

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For this reason, he asked these businessmen to present their arguments for or against the constitutionality of the distribution of plurinominal seats in San Lázaro, and To this end, he personalized his questions to Slim Helú:

“Let him tell us what he thinks. If it is right that the organizations to which he belongs are requesting that the Constitution be violated. If that is ethically correct. If that is the Mexico we want for our children and our grandchildren, for the new generations. Let the simulation continue, let the ‘crooked State’, ‘the State of bribery’ continue to predominate.not a genuine rule of law.”

This is to find out what they think about the debate between their Government and the Opposition on the seats that Morena and its allies will obtain in the next Legislature. While the former maintains that it is a qualified majority, the latter have said that it is an “over-representation” and/or a “legislative grab.”

The above is to avoid, according to him, that pressure is put on the INE advisors and the magistrates of the Electoral Court “because I am not speaking in a tentative manner either.”

Moments later, Salinas Pliego responded on his X account (@RicardoBSalinas) posted on 2 occasions In this regard, in the first one he published a survey in which he questions whether it is democratic for Morena and its allies to win 75 percent of the seats; in the second:

“Dear President López Obrador, are businessmen really respected and listened to? Please let us be serious!”

In response, López Obrador made no comments and declared himself “unaffected.”

“It is in the Constitution”

In his morning press conference on July 25, the President justified that Morena and its allies may have an alleged overrepresentation, which he describes as a “qualified majority.”

That day he said that “Now they no longer want to respect what is in the Constitutionand then they start to say ‘how if they got 52%, 55%, are they going to have 66%? There is an overrepresentation’. Yes, that is what the law establishes, the law of laws, that is what is in the Constitution.”

At the same time, he pointed out that the criticism from the opposition, which he refers to as a qualified majority, is a campaign by the conservative bloc:

He accused that the intention is that they do not want changes to be made to the Constitution, in particular what refers to the reform of the Judicial Branchwhich he attacked again by saying that it is expensive.

“Continuing to maintain a corrupt judiciary at the service of a minority, (…) costs the people a lot, because very high salaries are paid to judges, magistrates, ministers.”

He said that the opposition is in “rebellion” by not wanting to abide by what is in the Constitution.

2024-08-22 02:38:37

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