Beck to school 2023 Equal recommendations and tips. Ashkelon website

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Beck to school 2023 Equal recommendations and tips.

The great freedom is already here and with it many days of rest and family fun, but part of the purpose of the great freedom is also preparation for the next school year, some of my beautiful childhood memories include preparing for a new class, going together to choose a new schoolbag, pencil case and other school supplies.

The fun of coming to class with the clean diary room equipment (which of course I have already marked important events ahead of time, like, birthdays, friends’ birthdays, and holidays.) The new markers and colors with which you can mark important topics and draw, .

Even in our adulthood as students we love to innovate, the white pages and new equipment gives a feeling of a new beginning that also brings you motivation for a new semester and the new year, bright color markers to mark the relevant material, binders, and pens to sum up with, all contribute to a more comfortable and effective learning experience. .

So for the new school year approaching, I have compiled for you some tips and recommendations that are especially worthwhile, for those who return to study and also for those who are just starting out:

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Not only buy new but also renew old-

One of the burning issues in recent years is the environment, with the aim of preserving the ecosystem we live in, we try to reduce pollution and use of pollutants, there are several ways to preserve the environment, ha of them is to reduce unnecessary consumption, so if you have equipment in good condition only outside Looks less good like: a notebook that has worn out, a pen that works great but looks old and more, instead of throwing them away and buying new ones try to renew them, the pen can be upgraded with paint and colored tape, the notebook is wrapped in a beautiful cover and the used pages are removed. New, without polluting and also on the way you saved money.

An important tip for those who are just starting out, or for those who have renewed basic products –

When choosing basic products such as: bag, pencil case, pens and more, it is important to choose quality products with good durability (and if there is a warranty) these products are products that will be used by you on a daily basis for a very long time so it is important to invest in them. Every so often, you will choose quality products that are easy to use and not just fashionable and beautiful to the eye.

Check deals and benefits before you buy-

There are many stores that sell back-to-school products, some more expensive and some less, whatever happens where you did not choose to buy, you should check deals and benefits, whether you chose to go shopping in the store, or whether you chose to avoid queuing to order online. The way to check promotions and deals for back-to-school products is to go to the website: iCoupons On the iCoupons website you will find a concentration of a huge variety of stores, in every deal store, the best or even exclusive coupons to purchase, worth checking out, without wasting much time you can save a lot of money.

(The tip also holds for the technological ones among us, whoever is studying with a laptop or needs other technological equipment, can also find Equal benefits on the Coupons Islands website.)

Make a neat list –

Before going to make the purchase it is important to make a list of what is important and should be bought, when we come to the store we can get confused or excited about the selection and all sorts of interesting innovations, and we may disperse and not remember what really matters, make a list and after you take everything you need You can do another round to complete all sorts of nice things and upgrades.

May everyone have a fruitful school year and lots of success ☺

Ashkelon – Ashkelon’s daily online newspaper

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Ashkelon – Ashkelon’s daily online newspaper

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