Becoming fathers: the vademecum-

by time news
from Chiara Daina

Accompanying meetings at birth, medical examinations during gestation and check-ups are no longer the exclusive prerogative of mothers. The dads want to be there

Fathers are also expecting a child. And they therefore have the right to be involved throughout the pregnancy process

until the birth of the child. “Unfortunately, according to the data we have collected from some Regions l
in the presence of the father in the delivery roominitially limited due to the anti-Covid measures, it has never returned to pre-pandemic levels despite the scientific evidence recommends his participation next to his mother, “he explains Angela Giustiresearcher at the Higher Institute of Health (Iss).

Treated like spectators

During the hospital stay for the birth the fathers they should not be treated as spectators. “They are by right of caregivers – underlines Giusti -. In general, whenever parents come into contact with the health services, for accompanying meetings at birth, for visits during pregnancy and after childbirth, fathers must be guaranteed the opportunity to participate on days and times compatible with their work commitments. In this sense, smart working and the offer of online preparation courses have allowed many more dads to be there “. Giusti is the scientific director for the ISS of “Parent” project, funded by the European Commission to promote the role of paternal care and prevent male violence. They took part in the project, which lasted from 2019 to 2021 Italy, Portugal, Austria, Lithuania. Here it was coordinated byassociation «Circle of men»on behalf of the network “Il giardino dei fri” (which includes five other organizations that deal with male identity and the fight against gender-based violence), and training of 129 midwives, nurses, pediatricians and neonatologistsof the Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority, Rome 2 Local Health Authority, 4 Turin Local Health Authority and Turin City Local Health Authority.

The same questions to both parents

“Everything offered to the mother also applies to the father, except for clinical examinations,” he stresses Alessandro Volta, director of the Maternal and Child program of the Reggio Emilia health authority and trainer of the course. “Healthcare workers should ask the father the same questions as they ask the mother. If you smoke, if you play sports, if you have previous illnesses, addiction problems, if you eat healthy, if your child is desired, if you have doubts and fears about the risk of abortion and malformations. If he is absent, he should still be asked what he thinks about it and should be sent information material on the lifestyle to follow. The father can help avoid harmful habits for the mother and the development of the fetus ».

Preparation courses for couples are recommended. “Too often they are reserved for women and only a couple of meetings are open to men. Although they are also of great use to the latter. The woman naturally lives the condition of motherhood, while in the man a process of empathy and “adoption” must be activated towards the creature that he does not have within him »she adds. In the phase of labor and delivery, the father plays a crucial role.

«His active presence is important from start to finish. The father supports the mother psychologically and physically, massages her backit helps you to walk, to drink and to eat, to make decisions about a possible emergency cesarean or the administration of oxytocin
to induce contractions by evaluating the risks together with her “remarks Volta.

Cut the cord

The new father can cut the umbilical cord, take the first bath and practice skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth (and at home). “When the mother is not available or in the following hours, the father carries his baby to his chest to create that unique and special bond of parent-child attachment ”, explains Giusti.

The return home

Upon returning from the hospital, a more informed father makes a difference. “If he is involved in the process, he knows what to pay attention to and how to manage the various situations, feeling less excluded, less jealous and more protective of the mother and the child” continues Volta. First of all, it will be helpful if you know the positions of breastfeeding and the correct attachment to the breast of the baby, so as to help the mother to prevent fissures. “You should know that in the first 7 days the baby can lose up to 10% of weight compared to birth and that it will be necessary to ask for an obstetric consultation if he does not recover the following week, if he does little pee (less than 5 times a day) and does not grow by about 150-200 grams per week – the doctor remembers -. The father will also be able to observe the emotional state of the mother
considering that in post partum the moments of despair are normal and pass spontaneously, but in some cases there may be a real depression that needs professional help instead ».

Recognize the baby’s crying

If the baby cries? “He will have to wrap him in a cloth and cradle him to reproduce the sense of protection and movement in his stomach or take him out if frightened by the silence to make him relive the noises of when he was in his womb”. A
Dad is advised to attend periodic checks by the pediatrician. “To learn how complementary foods are introduced to milk, how to regulate the wake-sleep rhythm, transport the baby safely in the car, place it in the cradle”, concludes Volta.

April 8, 2022 (change April 8, 2022 | 12:34)

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