Bed of Doses: What Happens Inside the Drug Deals | Articles

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Brothels of drug addicts continue to be a problem in many Russian megacities. In December, a large-scale special operation of law enforcement agencies was carried out in the capital to identify and eliminate such breeding grounds of social evil. Details – in the material “Izvestia”.

There are raids

In the past few years, the problem of drug dens has become urgent again – residents of large cities are increasingly complaining about neighbors who have turned their apartments into gatherings of asocial elements. For example, in Moscow, having received a signal from residents of a house on 2nd Parkovaya Street, drug control operatives detained a 43-year-old woman who had arranged a “salon” at home for the use of drugs.

“At various times, drug addicts who visited the suspect’s apartment were detained. According to a medical examination, they were in a state of intoxication caused by the use of narcotic drugs, ”the police said in a statement.

Protocols were drawn up in relation to these persons, and in their explanations they honestly admitted what and where they used.

Work on identifying and eliminating such brothels is currently under way in all districts of the capital. On December 16, it became known about the arrest of a previously convicted 34-year-old resident of Zelenograd, in whose apartment three men lived and used drugs.

Photo: Izvestia / Zurab Javakhadze

The organization of a drug den is prosecuted under Art. 232 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, explained Alexander Obryvko, a member of the Russian Lawyers’ Association.

The punishment for this act without qualifying signs provides for imprisonment for up to 4 years with restriction of freedom for up to 1 year or without it. The same act, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, threatens with imprisonment from 2 to 6 years with restriction of liberty for up to 2 years or without it, and committed by an organized group – from 3 to 7 years, also with restriction of liberty up to 2 years, or without it.

If you become aware of the existence of a brothel, it is best to immediately report it to law enforcement, either orally or in writing. The district commissioner is obliged to prepare the material for the check on such a statement. Ideally, he should already keep a preventive record of such apartments in order, if necessary, to transfer information to the drug control units.

Absolute bottom

An employee of one of the specialized anti-narcotics police units called modern dens for drug use “Resident Evil” in a conversation with Izvestia.

– This is the place where experienced drug addicts find refuge. Often, a poison like desomorphine is cooked there, the addicts themselves call it “crocodile”, due to the fact that it causes tissue necrosis. Or they prepare the so-called “nigella” from improvised means. The stench from such chemical experiments extends to the entire entrance. Neighbors begin to complain to all authorities.

But the difficulty in bringing to criminal responsibility lies in the fact that it is necessary to prove the fact of systematic drug use in the apartment, the operative explains.

– Drug addicts must tell that the landlord lets them in for drug use within the walls of his home. In relation to these persons, it is necessary to draw up protocols under Art. 6.9 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, and they must pay a fine, and this is 5,000 rubles.

Фото: Depositphotos/Nomadsoul1

The drug den serves as a breeding ground for diseases that are dangerous to society and a catalyst for criminal activity, the police officer says.

– People come here with one purpose – to use drugs. Here drug addicts get to know each other and then commit serious crimes against property, share their experience of use, and progress in their addictions. Here, due to neglect of basic rules of hygiene and sanitation, HIV and hepatitis are spreading. Often the owners have young children – they suffer mental trauma and sometimes physical harm.

According to him, the owners of the drug den are often a married couple or roommates.

– As a rule, they have already lost their jobs, keeping a brothel is the only way for them to continue the lifestyle to which they are accustomed. In fact, they do not care that sooner or later they will end up in a colony, the dependence is stronger.

The brothel in many cases also becomes the place of death of the drug addict. The reason may be an overdose, and a showdown with stabbing.

– Sometimes such a death leads to the initiation of a criminal case on the maintenance of a drug den, apartment owners, especially those with criminal experience, know about this. Therefore, we are often faced with the fact that still living drug addicts with an overdose are carried out to the stairwell to die.

Quote Author

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, from January to October this year, 157 thousand crimes related to drug trafficking were registered. The portal of legal statistics reports that during the same time interval, 5699 people were identified who committed crimes while under the influence of drugs.

Inside view

For almost five years, Andrei periodically lived in a brothel for drug use. His childhood friend, whose mother suffered from alcoholism, kept the “bad apartment”.

– I remember cockroaches in my friend’s apartment, blood splashes, the remains of decayed carpet on the floor. People changed, someone was imprisoned, someone died. But the purpose of this apartment has always remained unchanged – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week people came here to use. Huckster [наркосбытчик] lived on the same floor – in a sense, it was a closed cycle enterprise. The apartment has become a kind of hostel for addicts.

A bed of doses: what happens inside drug dens

Photo: RIA Novosti / Pavel Lisitsyn

The inhabitants of the brothel were shop thieves, robbers, prostitutes. All of them broke the law with one goal – to get money for the next dose. Then they immediately bought drugs and came to the apartment. The host usually received his dose for free. This is most often the main interest of the brothel holder, Andrey explained. Also, guests brought food and household items to the house.

According to Andrey, the tough position of the neighbors usually means the ending of the drug den.

– First, people come to resolve the issue with the owner amicably. But when complaints are poured on the precinct, the owner of the brothel starts to get into trouble. My friend ended up in jail, – says Andrey. During this time, the life of Izvestia’s interlocutor has changed – he entered the Narcotics Anonymous (NA) community and has been abstaining from the use of prohibited substances for almost three years.

– When my friend came out, my mother gave him my number. I took him to a community meeting. For two years he has not used anything. Our life has changed for the better, – says Andrey. Today, he helps addicts who still suffer from addiction for free – this is one of the rules of NA.

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