“Bedenklicher Anstieg an HIV-Fällen in Tirol: Neues Zentrum für sexuelle Gesundheit bietet Beratung und Prävention”

by time news

2023-05-10 12:32:11

In the “Sexual Health Center Tyrol” a lot now revolves around prevention, counseling and, of course, people infected with HIV.

Innsbruck – Innsbruck – In order to keep up with the changes in society, adjustments are required. Even with social institutions. Exactly for this reason, after 30 years, the “AIDS-Hilfe Tirol” became the “Zentrum Sexuale Gesundheit Tirol” on May 3rd. The renaming is accompanied by innovations such as the offer of sex therapy sessions.

“We have noticed that the demand for counseling and testing for a wide variety of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and chlamydia has increased. This name reflects our offer more. Sexual health must be thought of more broadly in terms of prevention and health promotion,” explains Georg Gierzinger, Managing Director of the renamed association.

Above all, the age group of 20-year-olds would increasingly take advantage of the test offer. “Which makes us very happy, because it shows that people are more conscious about the question of whether they are sexually healthy,” he says.

For sex therapist Stefanie Bobory, this is a clear sign that the taboo on this topic has been lifted. “And since many people come when they change partners, this is an important form of prevention,” emphasizes Bobory. Prevention is also important because the number of sexually transmitted diseases increased again last year both in Tyrol and in Austria. “Unfortunately also with HIV”, confirms Gierzinger.

It is particularly important to him to point out the wide range of offers for HIV patients in their rooms in Innsbruck. “Even though we have changed our name, this remains a focus of our work. Because even if HIV is now easily treatable – if not curable – we are still confronted with stigmatization, discrimination and poverty in old age among those affected by HIV.” Patrizia Staffler informs that 110 people are still doing their social work regularly.

There is a great demand for sex education in schools and youth facilities. “We provide on-site advice and also hold workshops, including for school doctors. Diversity and sexual orientation in particular are topics that young people are very interested in and where our expertise is in demand,” reports therapist Bobory. Among other things, these are the focal points of her individual sessions, which she can offer anonymously and even free of charge for the first ten hours (after that 40 euros per session have to be paid). (see below)

Tests, consultations, workshops:

Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.sg-tirol.at

Telephone number: 0512/563621

Test times (no e-card required, anonymous and inexpensive): Monday: 5 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. and Tuesday 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m

#Centre #Sexual #Health #Tyrol #offers

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