Before rallies this Thursday, Gérald Darmanin reinforces the security of the prefectures

by time news

Gérald Darmanin’s agenda continues to be marked by the consequences of the clashes in Deux-Sèvres over mega-basin projects. The Minister of the Interior thus asked the prefects on Wednesday evening to strengthen the security of the prefectures throughout France where rallies are planned this Thursday “against repression in Sainte-Soline” at the call of the movement Les Uprisings of the Earth , for which he initiated the dissolution procedure.

In a telegram, the tenant of the place Beauvau asks for “measures of protection of the prefectures in the face of the threats formulated by the small groups of the ultra-left”. These rallies, scheduled for 7 p.m., aim to support the wounded – one of whom still has his vital prognosis involved – after the clashes on Saturday with the police during the prohibited demonstration against the mega-basins, and to denounce the violence. policewomen.

A directive also for the “sub-prefectures”

These gatherings could mobilize “16,000 to 20,000 people for 80 actions”, outside Paris, according to territorial intelligence, reports the minister. “I ask you to pay particular attention to the protection of prefectures and sub-prefectures, which could also be targeted,” he also wrote.

Gérald Darmanin calls on the prefects to take “if necessary measures to ban demonstrations likely to seriously disturb public order and to affect the prefectures, major symbols of the State in the territories”.

He also asks them “any element” seeming to justify “the dissolution of these small groups with insurrectionary aims”. Gérald Darmanin already initiated the procedure on Tuesday for the dissolution of the Uprisings of the Earth (SLT) group, which he held responsible for the clashes in Sainte-Soline. SLT now has ten days to respond to the arguments of the ministry before the minister decides to present a decree of dissolution to the Council of Ministers.

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