Before retirement, in search of missing quarters

by time news

At 62, Richard Palomo did not want to embark on a “quest doomed to failure” : prove that he worked well and contributed in 1986. Four quarters. A “big surprise hole” in the career statement that he consulted several years ago, anxious to anticipate his retirement. Impossible, since, to fill with the National old-age insurance fund (CNAV) the gap of twelve months in the service of a subsidiary of the Hachette group: his pay slips then disappeared in a move, and a fire ravaged the archives of his former company.

Without great illusions about the computer engineer’s chances of “fill 1986”a CNAV adviser presented him with a dilemma: accept a discount on his future pension, or compensate for the administrative disappearance by four quarters of unemployment until the fall of 2023. End of career “lunar”, for Richard Palomo, forced to point to Pôle emploi. “Lunar, and completely incoherent: I earn 100 euros more per month unemployed than if I were already retired. »

Like Mr. Palomo, tens of thousands of pre-retirees leave each year in search of periods worked, but not counted in the files of the Old-age insurance. A concern sharpened for several weeks by the irruption of the pension reform in the news, and the government’s plan to bring forward to 2027 (and no longer 2035) the extension of the contribution period to 172 quarters (compared to 167 ) to receive a full pension. More than 1.3 million career updates were made in 2021, according to CNAV.

“Data Unavailable”

What proportion of pensions settled each year are subject to correction requests? How many quarters permanently lost and discounts imposed? “Data Unavailable”, replies the CNAV, which, for the sole assessment of anomalies, confirms the data of the Court of Auditors. In their latest report on the old-age branch of Health Insurance, published in May 2022, the magistrates estimate that one in seven pensions liquidated in 2021 included “at least one error of financial scope”.

Anomalies unfavorable to the insured in nearly 75% of cases. “We are clearly not good enough, we must aim for less than 10% errors, and even ideally less than 5%concedes Renaud Villard, director general of the CNAV. But most of these anomalies are of very small financial significance, their total weighing only 1.2% [du montant des pensions]. » The median amount of the financial impact of the anomalies observed nevertheless amounts to 102 euros per year and per insured.

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