Before Shabbat began: Rabbi Yosef Yaakov Bramson passed away

by time news

Rabbi Yosef Yaakov Bramson passed away before Shabbat. The rabbi was one of the longtime students of Rabbi Zvi Yehuda HaCohen Kook, and one of the founders of the Jerusalem Yeshiva for Young People and the Noam-Zvia network, and one of the founders of the Ariel youth movement. The funeral will take place tonight (Saturday) at 22:00 from the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva on Mount of Beatitudes.

From his family it was reported: “Erelim conquered the cliffs. The crown of our heads fell. My husband, father and grandfather Rabbi Yosef Yaakov Bramson ztl.

The shiva will take place at the family home, 22 Ben Zion Street, entrance B. Kiryat Moshe.

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