before the mayors of France, Emmanuel Macron outlines avenues for the future

by time news

2023-07-05 05:30:02
Emmanuel Macron renews his support for the mayors of the municipalities victims of the violence following the death of young Nahel M. At the Elysée Palace, in Paris, July 4, 2023. CYRIL BITTON / DIVERGENCE FOR “THE WORLD”

The opposition calls for a start. Emmanuel Macron procrastinates, sparing its effect. There “ priority “ is the return to calm, he said, Tuesday, July 4, in front of some two hundred mayors victims of violence, looting, looting and sometimes ad hominem attacks. After a week of riots, provoked by the death of young Nahel M. shot dead by a policeman during a roadside check in Nanterre, the Head of State believes in appeasement. Under the effect of a massive police presence, a return to normal seems to begin “Is the return to calm sustainable? I will be careful but the peak we have experienced in recent days has passed,” he breathed.

Follow our live: Urban riots after the death of Nahel M., live: a calm night which seems to confirm the de-escalation of the clashes

After going to a barracks in the 17th arrondissement of Paris to thank the police, firefighters, CRS and gendarmes for their mobilization, the President of the Republic wanted to show his consideration to the city officials, on the front line. Emmanuel Macron wanted to hear what the elected officials had on their hearts. Without taboos or modesty. “To make everyone feel comfortable in this room, he throws, it is sometimes right-wing sensitivities that have eliminated police positions and sometimes left-wing politicians who have lowered the credits of city politicians. »

From the village hall of the Elysée, Emmanuel Macron very quickly hands the microphone to Patrick Jarry, mayor (various left) of Nanterre, this city where it all began. “The anger, the fear have not disappeared”, points out this one evoking the ferment of the districts but especially the poverty, the inequalities and the humiliations which are manifested, among other things, by the “insane difficulties in renewing the residence permits of parents, who have been with us for decades”. Calling not to forget the starting point of this violence: the death of a young man “killed almost live before our eyes”he said. “I believe that the work on police intervention and working conditions is inevitable”he suggests.

In the room, Jean-François Copé, mayor of Meaux, is choking. The former president of the UMP castigates the speech in contrition of a Republic which would have to apologize when it has done, according to him, a lot for the neighborhoods. And the former minister of Jacques Chirac to defend the line of the Les Républicains (LR) party demanding more firmness and authority from the State.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Urban riots: in Essonne, Bruno Le Maire pleads for “firmness” rather than for “a new suburban plan”

” Awkward “

Like many mayors present, Patrick Jarry was one of the signatories of the “Grigny appeal” launched in 2017 to defend working-class neighborhoods in the face of government budget cuts. “We have made little progress, or even retreated if we read the study by the urban planning agency for the Ile-de-France region”he regrets.

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