Before the presidential election, the Austrian far right is once again on the rise

by time news

His opponents did not hold back their blows. Since the launch of the Austrian presidential campaign, the environmentalist Alexander Van der Bellen, president since 2016, has been the subject of attacks on social networks, interspersed with incitement to suicide and false information according to which he would have himself – even qualified as “president of foreigners”. During a summer trip to the Salzburg festival, several dozen activists even whistled at it, brandishing a fake gallows and threatening the government.

The current Austrian president has a good chance of being re-elected in the first round, specifies the correspondent in Vienna of the Spiegel. He is credited with 51 to 58% of voting intentions, according to the latest polls. “In addition to his political family (the Greens), the outgoing president has the support of the SPÖ Social Democrats as well as several personalities from the ÖVP, the conservative party from which the Chancellor comes, and even from the liberal Neos party.” But this mob

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