Beginning of autumn: This is why you can look forward to autumn | Life & Knowledge

by time news

2023-09-20 17:01:25

Summer is coming to an end. The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are dropping – but there’s no reason to be upset because autumn is coming!

The coziest, calmest but also scariest time of the year officially begins on September 23rd. Even though autumn means the end of summer, there are still many reasons to be happy.

Here you can read 10 reasons why you should look forward to autumn!

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Quality of life in autumn

Everyone likes summer. There is no need to discuss this. However, when viewed objectively, the hot season also has some disadvantages, especially compared to autumn.

You will be able to sleep better in the fall. It gets dark earlier in the evening and light later in the morning. The problem of being woken up by the sun’s rays at 5 a.m. is a thing of the past in autumn.

In addition, the temperatures are more pleasant. Of course, 30 degrees is great on the beach, but less so in the city or in the apartment on the 5th floor.

Enjoy time in your own four walls

Sitting around in the house in the fantastic weather in summer? It doesn’t work at all!

In autumn, when the weather is gray, enjoy a few hours in your own four walls, watch Netflix, read a good book? No problem!

Autumn is the season that simply takes away the pressure of everyday life. Between September and December it’s time to put your feet up, read a good book with a hot cup of tea and look melancholy out of the window.

Delicious autumnal food

Nothing grows in winter, things are just beginning in spring and in summer you don’t feel like hot dishes made from seasonal vegetables or mushrooms.

In autumn, however, it means: healthy, varied and delicious. From mushroom risotto to pumpkin soup or chestnut stew. Delicious dishes made from nutrient-rich ingredients are commonplace in autumn.

A delicious mushroom pan with freshly collected porcini mushrooms: This is only possible in autumn

Foto: picture alliance / Zoonar

In autumn it’s worth taking a dip into the forest during a nice walk in the forest: there are delicious mushrooms waiting between the trees!

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Enjoy nature in autumn

There are things that people can only fully understand when they see them. This definitely includes the natural spectacles that autumn has to offer.

A walk in the forest is particularly magical at this time of year. The ground and the trees are full of colorful leaves, which look like a reddish-brown dress to the entire forest. The animals also do the rest. Look up into the sky and see formations of birds making their way to warmer lands.

Nature is changing and adapting. In autumn everything is in motion and changes day by day. And you can watch it.

Autumn holidays

Autumn has many popular holidays that come with beautiful traditions.

Thanksgiving on October 1st: This holiday has an ancient tradition. There are big celebrations here, especially in agricultural regions. Colorfully decorated flower wreaths, parade floats parade through the streets and a banquet is served: a true celebration.

German Unity Day on October 3rd: In 1990, hundreds of thousands celebrated the reunification of the once divided Germany. People still think about it years later. German Unity Day is a public holiday.

Halloween on October 31st: Watch horror films, dress up in scary costumes and run from door to door with the children for candy. This only works on Halloween.

St. Martin’s Day on November 11th: On this holiday, in addition to making lanterns, the annual St. Martin’s spectacle, the St. Martin’s fire is also on the agenda. Anyone who has ever experienced this huge fire looks forward to it every year.

And the adolescents have something to be particularly happy about: autumn holidays are coming up!

Fall fashion

If you’re interested in fashion or just like to look good, summer isn’t particularly interesting. The problem: apart from shorts, open-toed shoes and a thin top, the selection is pretty small.

In autumn, however, it is not so cold that you have to take out your down jacket and at the same time it is not so warm that only flip-flops work. Means: You can wear almost anything.

And autumn is also worth shopping: November 24th is Black Friday! The perfect time to get new clothes.

Time for your hobbies

There are hobbies that simply belong in a season. Who does puzzles in summer or who does crafts in spring? Autumn invites you to take time for quieter hobbies.

Cut scary faces out of pumpkins, tackle a puzzle with warm cocoa or go to a vintage harvest with friends. Fall is the season of comfort and me-time. Take time for yourself.

It reads particularly beautifully snuggled up under the blanket

Photo: Annette Riedl/dpa

Take beautiful photos

Have you ever heard of the “golden hour”? In photography, this is the time shortly after sunrise or shortly before sunset.

At this time, the light provided by the sun is optimal for photos. Autumn is almost always a “golden hour”. Colorful and full of contrasts, autumn offers perfect conditions for photos and a good selfie.

A date or a photo session in autumn is highly recommended. Autumn is also a great time for dates: nice walks together, watching the sunset and enjoying a great dinner under candlelight – the possibilities are endless.

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The sporting season

Go jogging in 30 degrees? Most people will probably say: No, thank you! Things look different in autumn.

Pleasant temperatures invite you to do sports outside and take long walks. Together with good nutrition, autumn is the season par excellence for health and sport.

Christmas is coming soon!

Autumn ushers in the cozier times of the year. And as soon as Halloween is over, many people are already in the Christmas spirit. Look forward to warm drinks, time with friends and families and delicious food.

And if you don’t like the cold seasons at all: take advantage of the holidays and fly into the sun!

#Beginning #autumn #autumn #Life #Knowledge

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