by time news

Donald Turton

The launch of the ChatGPT tool has created a stir in society, giving rise to discussion about the applications and their ethical implications in the use and development of this technology.

The technology behind ChatGPT dates back to the 1950s, beginning as an automatic translation program, which evolved in the 2000s due to the creation of a language database that allowed these models to be trained with large amounts of information and finally reaching its current scope thanks to today’s computing capacity.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a deep learning-based language model that uses a neural network to process large amounts of natural language data.

It sounds scary, but a neural network is nothing more than a mathematical process of calculations where the model “learns” by earning points if GUESS the answer and lose points if you don’t.

When this model is fed with large amounts of information, it is able to expand its vocabulary and reduce its margin of error. In the same way that we humans do learning from our experiences. This is why “Neural Networks” receive this name, because of the way in which they transmit information from one decision to another and because of the way in which they are graphed.

Language processing is an application of “Artificial Intelligence”, which has advantages and disadvantages. And a strong discussion regarding its ethical implications. Next, I present to you what Chat GPT has to say about the applications, benefits and risks of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly important tool in our society. From automating everyday tasks to medical diagnosis, AI has proven useful in a variety of applications. The potential benefits of AI are significant, including increased efficiency and accuracy on complex tasks.
However, there are also risks associated with AI, such as job loss, privacy, and algorithmic bias. It is important that we focus on developing AI responsibly, considering the social and ethical impact of its use. If used wisely and responsibly, AI can significantly improve our quality of life and address many of the challenges we face as a society.

The last two paragraphs were written by Chat GPT, presenting a processing capacity similar to that of a human, showing the scope it can have.

Should we worry?

The scope of this technology is still difficult to measure, due to the rapid evolution in technology. But big players in the development of artificial intelligence have shown some concern about the speed at which this technology has advanced. On March 29, 2023, these key figures in the development of artificial intelligence signed a petition to pause AI research due to the social, ethical, and economic impact it may have.

It is important to keep in mind that the results of any tool, including artificial intelligence, depend to a large extent on the way in which they are used by people. If used responsibly and ethically, these tools can be incredibly valuable and can be used as a tool to make people’s jobs easier.

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