Behind the atrocities, a Russian ideology of “de-Ukrainization”

by time news

On April 3, the “political scientist, philosopher and screenwriter” Russian (as described by the online daily Oukraïnska Pravda) Timofeï Sergeïtsev published, on the site of the Russian press agency RIA Novosti, an article titled: “What should Russia do about Ukraine?” An article which, in short, accuses the Ukrainian population of being mostly made up of “Passive Nazis” which must be not only “denazified”, most “desukrainized”, And this “for a generation”.

The publication of such remarks on the site of a Moscow press agency, at a time when the consequences of the Russian occupation were being discovered in towns such as Boucha, in the vicinity of kyiv, did not fail to arouse an outcry in Ukraine.

Announced massacres?

For Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kouleba, the Boutcha massacre was therefore “deliberate” : “The Russians seek to eliminate as many Ukrainians as they can.” “The leaders of the aggressor have said it openly, opines Zakhar Tropine, member of the Institute of International Relations at Taras Shevchenko University in kyiv, quoted by the Ukrainian version of the site of Radio Svoboda, that’s what they call the ‘denazification’”.

“In this article, in reality, we have not heard anything new”, assures Ivana Klimpouch-Tsintsadze, head of the parliamentary committee responsible for Ukraine’s integration into the EU, in a post for Oukraïnska Pravda.Putin said the same thing on February 24, and several times before that.

“Now the Russians talk about it openly, continues the Ukrainian parliamentarian. Their priority targets are the patriots […], historians who have reported the truth about the Holodomor [la famine artificielle de 1932-1933] and the other barbarisms of the UR

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