Being a woman, a risk for autoimmune diseases

by time news

Genetics and hormones condition women: autoimmune diseases are more frequent in them precisely because of these factors.

Defined as that heterogeneous group of conditions that share the fact of having self-produced antibodies that act against their cells y fabricslas systemic autoimmune diseases (EAS) occur more frequently in women. A circumstance that we address on International Women’s Day.

Because? To what extent can it be avoided? The Multidisciplinary Spanish Society of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases (SEMAIS) points to the estres vitalto the environmental factorsat infections or at female sex hormones as possible triggers of some of these pathologies.

The most frequent EAS

According to the second vice president of SEMAIS and head of the Autoimmune Diseases Service of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, ​​the doctor ricard cerverais the combination of genetic and hormonal factors which makes women the most frequent profile in these pathologies.

What are the most common? According to the expert they are:

  • He Sjögren’s syndrome: a disorder in which the glands that produce tears and saliva are destroyed, causing dry mouth, eyes, and other organs and joints.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus: A disease in which the immune system attacks healthy tissue.
  • antiphospholipid syndrome: a disease in which antibodies are created that attack tissue and create clots in arteries and veins.
  • systemic sclerosis or scleroderma: a disease that especially affects the skin.

“Among the EAS, the greatest differences occur in lupus and Sjögren’s syndrome, where for each affected man we find 9 to 10 women with these diseases”, Dr. Cervera specifies.

In the case of lupusthe greatest risk of occurrence occurs in the woman’s childbearing agethat is, from the menarche (start of menstruation) and lasts until the third or fourth decade of life. Although, as determined by Cervera, after menopause both its appearance and outbreaks are less frequent.

Autoimmune diseases that affect men more

Of course, there are certain autoimmune diseases that are more frequent in men, as is the case of…

  • Thromboangiitis obliterans or Buerguer’s disease: a vasculitis intrinsically related to smoking.
  • Behcet’s disease: inflammation of the blood vessels in the body.
  • ankylosing spondyloartitis: an autoimmune disease that causes some vertebrae to fuse together over time.

How are autoimmune diseases prevented?

exist different ways to reduce risk of appearance or, in case of suffering from the disease, the outbreak.

The way to prevent it is none other than avoiding the external risk factorsas:

  • female sex hormones: avoid the use of hormonal contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy in certain circumstances.
  • Life stress: You must lead a balanced rhythm of life.
  • environmental factors: limit exposure to ultraviolet rays, prevention and early treatment of infections…
Sun exposure is a risk to take into account.
EFE / Jorge Zapata

Genetics predisposes, but does not cause

However, it is important to note that although genes play a role as a predisposing factor, are rarely the sole or main cause. And although it is not possible to reduce the genetic risk, early diagnosis can be favored in the family cases.

“In the presence of any clinical manifestation of suspected SAD (joint pain, skin lesions, intense fatigue…), the existence of a family history of these diseases should motivate the doctor to study the possible existence of an underlying SAD,” says the expert. .

Dr. Cervera, as SEMAIS spokesperson, insists that the difference lies in the early diagnostic since it allows to initiate a treatment that controls the pathology and evita or at least, limit the development of irreversible chronic damage.

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