BEING ALIVE TODAY August 30th at 9pm at the Teatro Sperimentale in Pesaro

by time news


Dialogue on the possibility of living every circumstance fully

Friday 30th August at 9pm – Teatro Sperimentale Pesaro

The meeting aims above all to awaken questions, to arouse desires through stories and special personalities that testify to a beauty in action, therefore a path practicable by everyone and in every circumstance.

They will participate

  • Eugenio Nembrinimissionary priest, co-founder of the association Squares and ETS charity which, since 2023, has been morally and materially supporting the many situations of need of the sick (especially those in serious situations) and the families who assist them, in Italy and abroad. www.quadratiniecarità.org
  • Francesco Arlanchgraduated in Philosophy, is a screenwriter, author or co-author for international productions (such as Anna Karenina e Saint Augustine) and Italian series such as DOC – In your hands
  • Piccioni loserdoctor and writer who inspired the creation of the television series DOC – In your hands. Before the accident, which erased twelve years of his memory, he was the head of the emergency room at the hospital of Lodi and Cologno, a university professor at the University of Pavia and a consultant to the Ministry of Health. Among his most significant publications we point out Minus twelve e I remember everything (via video link)
  • Luke Silvergraduated in Economics and Commerce, made his debut as a television and cinema actor in 2005. Since 2012 he has been vice president of the digital non-profit organization 1 Caffè non-profit organization. He is the protagonist of the television series DOC- In your hands

(via video link).

The event has the patronage and contribution of Municipality of Pesaroas well as the patronage of the Province of Pesaro-Urbino and of the Association of Italian Catholic Doctors. It is also made possible thanks to the contribution of Paolo Bartorelli Jewels from Pesaro.

Admission is free and open until seats are taken.

We look forward to meeting you and send you our warmest regards.

For the cultural center

Esterina Di Paolo President

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