“Being an actress was like being an astronaut”

by time news

She jumped onto the small screen as Laura from Mareas Vivas and twenty years later she can boast that she has made culture her way of life, be it directing, writing, producing or acting

23 feb 2023 . Updated at 05:00 h.

Tomorrow Tamara Canosa (A Coruña, 1983) will premiere the play at the Salón Teatro de Santiago dreams. This time she will not be on the boards, but behind the curtain, directing this piece who tells about life in a supervised home and who wants to break with the stigmas that weigh on the girls and boys who are in the protection system. “It’s not just a play, it’s a project oenegue Igaxes to change the look. They offered me to be the director before there was even a text, and I was interested in everything!”, she says passionately.

It is not the first time that he directs a play that speaks to and about youth. Last year I had on stage Lover, which explores the relationships between digital natives: “I’m interested in young people. We all remember our teenage years. It’s something that hits us. And if you don’t do theater for the boys, this is over. But in adolescence culture disappears, and only marketing is interested in them. In addition, I’m a mother – she has a little over 3-year-old child – and when you have a child you think: ”Hey, I can’t get off the hook!”, she explains.

Tamara (bottom left) with part of the Soños team

She herself was a teenager when she entered the house of the Galicians for the first time as Laura from the popular series Spring tides. “At school I got into all the saraos, and already at IES de Elviña we had the Sardinian theater group, from which many Galician actors came out. They came for a test and took me. I was a girl from a dingy neighborhood, a geek, not exactly the most popular in the class, and suddenly you get on TV, earn money, do what you like… It was a wonderful experience to begin with,” she recalls.

Tamara already had the i drink of acting, but he didn’t think it could become his profession: “For me it was like being an astronaut. I didn’t think I was an actress. And it took me a while to believe it. I studied law because, how was I going to make a living from this? It was a struggle of years to realize that I could and had the right to work and live from culture.” Of course, along the way she did many other things: “Telephone operator, sold insurance, waitress… I have worked at everything since I was 16and that gave me survival tools, I guess that’s where my creative resources come from,” he reflects.

The voice

Now approaching 40, she has more than two decades behind her acting in theater, television and film, as a protagonist and as a supporting actress. In some movie he coincided with another ex of Spring tides, Luis Tosar. It happened, for example, in Maixabel, where she plays the mediator who facilitates the meeting between the widow (Blanca Portillo) and the imprisoned old man (Tosar). «Seeing the Kursaal standing was exciting. And I still have fewer boards, but Luis has more experience and his legs were also shaking.’ In the film he worked under the orders of Iciar Bollaín, one of the many people he cites when asked about the professionals he most enjoyed working with: “It’s impressive to see an aunt with so much power,” he sums up. But his great vital reference is his sister Yaiza, founder and CEO of the logistics platform GOI: “We are five brothers, and we are all Yaiza’s brothers. At the age of 9 she was already the mistress, she has charisma and security…».

In addition to acting, he touched almost all the sticks of the creative process: script, production… Directing is what he enjoys most right now: «I suffer less, I enjoy more, I feel more in my place», he says, revealing that he is always in a lot of projects and that he is shooting a documentary, post-producing a short film, preparing things for the theater: «In culture you have to always be doing things, even if they are small, to add up salaries”, he reveals.

To his credit he also has a book of poems and micro-stories, the hiding place of words. “I am delighted to meet that Tamara from twenty years ago. Always a restless ass», he jokes. And he warns: “Now I’m not writing because of lack of time, but I’ll be back.”

Tamara with the director and actors of the film Pradolongo, in which she was one of the protagonists ROI FERNANDEZ


Laura in Spring tides


Actress, director, producer, screenwriter… whatever they throw at me

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