Being immersed in your own thoughts is good and functional (if you don’t overdo it)

by time news

The mind of human beings lives only partially in the present. Without really realizing it, a large part of mental activity, even more than half according to recent studies, does not take into account where you are and what is happening here and now, but rather tends to wander. what can be called the Daydreaming, a more or less continuous activity that often processes what has already happened and uses it to try to guess what could happen in the more or less immediate future. These self-generated thoughts are referred to in the psychological literature self-generated-thought (Sgt) and actually have a very important function: that of help us not to be caught unprepared for future events. Secondo Jonathan Smallwood del Department of Psychology della Queen’s University di Kingston (Canada) e Jonathan Schooler del Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences dell’University of California di Santa Barbara, the wandering mind opens up possibilities for hypothetical knowledge about possible futures. The process takes place through a continuous analysis and at the limit of conscience, which takes into consideration possible obstacles to the achievement of some objective, the ways by which it could be possible to overcome them, the advantages that could derive from their achievement.

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