Beit Mashiach Florida presents: HI Elul – thirty days before the holiday

by time news

Thirty leaflets prepared and presented in a language equal to everyone’s heart about the history of the Baal Simcha, a unique story, an excerpt from their Torah, a point from the parasha and a historical corner on concepts related to the life of the Baal Simcha.

The bulletin is published at the initiative of the many community influencers Shneor Zalman Dickstein.

The material was prepared with good taste by a team of Chassidim Abrachs with one goal: the most appropriate preparation for the 18th Holy Day of Elul.

The editing expenses were contributed by members of the Beit Mashiach community: Rev. Yaniv hiddenR. emir There is a sonY, R. Uncle goldenR. Moses HolzbergR. Yehuda his chip R. Maimon and weR. gift MiaraR. Daniel AskR. Container GlazerR. Abraham Holzberg, MDA Rabbi Daniel Aharon we stayed, Rabbi Schnior Zalman Dickstein.

who saw great value in carrying out the Rebbe’s instruction to change and demand the matters of the Hasidic holiday in the preceding thirty days.

In AZA we will post a special link every week to download the flyers for the next few days.

And this week: Bulletins for the dates 18 – 24 Menachem Av in the following link: Daily preparation 18-24 Menachem Av

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