Belarus against Svetlana Alexievich and Sasha Filipenko

by time news

2023-12-05 17:17:39

Opinion repression against authors

Please let us not forget Belarus

Status: 05.12.2023 | Reading time: 2 minutes

Persecuted despite exile: Authors Alexiewitsch, Filipenko

Quelle: picture alliance/dpa/Christoph Soeder; picture alliance/Geisler-Fotopress/Dwi Anoraganingrum

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Even though Svetlana Alexievich and Sasha Filipenko live in exile, Lukashenko’s regime punishes both of them in its own way. The Nobel Prize winner for literature’s Minsk apartment is to be confiscated. And Filipenko’s father had to distance himself from his son.

“Christmas time, lovely time”? While in these weeks of Advent you can hardly turn on any television news without the well-known advertisement playing in front of it, with the song for chocolate bars, which in earlier versions also sang about “the greatest wish”, “for all peace, on earth everywhere”. , while the Christmas mood – and not just this one in this clip – is becoming more and more notorious, one should not forget, in addition to the major, acute crises, the many, almost invisible small wars in this world. For example, reprisals that authoritarian regimes undertake against unwanted members of their societies. For example in Belarus.

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Grigory Azarenok, a well-known television propagandist in Lukashenko’s country, has just called for the confiscation of the Minsk apartment of Nobel Prize winner for literature Svetlana Alexievich. This is what the agent of the Belarusian writer, who has been living in exile in Berlin since autumn 2020, said. The letter is available to WELT. Afterwards, raids against the Belarusian opposition are part of the regime’s strategy. According to official information, the aim of the latest raid was to establish “the presence of property and real estate of the suspects… for the purpose of subsequent seizure.” The property will be made available to members of the security forces.

Sasha Filipenko’s parents were also affected

Official or even police terror against all those who have expressed their disagreement with the dictator does not only affect the properties of absent citizens. It is often directed against relatives who remain in the country. What happened to the father of the Belarusian writer Sasha Filipenko, who has been in exile in Basel since 2021, represents this case. As the publisher Diogenes reports, Filipenko’s parents’ apartment was stormed on November 9th and his father was taken into custody. During his 15 days in detention, the father was threatened with electric shocks and videotaped of him distancing himself from his son.

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Sasha Filipenko about Belarus

One should not forget, especially in our free, western countries, where statements and confessions are posted non-stop and open letters are continually signed for or against something, that a free, critical word cannot be spoken everywhere in such an inflationary manner and without consequences. as seems self-evident in our latitudes.

#Belarus #Svetlana #Alexievich #Sasha #Filipenko

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