Belinda has been prostituted and exploited, confesses her uncle

by time news

Writing.– One year after Belinda and Christian Nodal will end their engagement, new scandals fall on the famous singer as a member of her family confirms the accusations that have been made against her: she takes money from each of her partners.

Despite having a long history in the world of tv and musicthe interpreter of Spanish origin has been on the lips of the entire last year, and this due to the rumors that have been generated around her romance with the representative of the Mexican regional.

It is worth mentioning that so far, neither of the two singers has revealed the true reasons for the end of their relationship a year and a half, but the Mexican hinted that the blonde is only with him for economic interest.


On multiple occasions, the singer has come out to defend herself through social networks, as she claims she does not have the “need” for someone to pamper her and boasts of her life full of luxuries.

But now, a close relative of the estrella He has exploited social networks by saying that the young woman “prostitutes” and the worst thing would be that it is by order of her parents, this to get money from men.

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Belinda’s uncle confirms that she is an “interested party”

The last days have not been easy for the singer and her family, because her father, Ignacio Peregrin, was pointed out by his own brothers for family fraud and this would only be the tip of the ‘iceberg’.

One of the singer’s uncles, Fernando Peregrin, assured that the interpreter of hits like “Beautiful betrayal”prostitutes herself and worst of all, she assured that her father would be her pimp.

It was through the program ‘Gossip not like’ where the millionaire fraud of Belinda’s father was revealed to her brothers, and they also shared that the interpreter would be with men for money.

According to the aforementioned show report, according to the Peregrin family, Belinda he learned from his father to use his best charms to con men.

One of the singer’s close relatives has confessed that the interpreter of “El Sapito” had a relationship with several people at the same time.

famous ex-partners

Within the love history of the singer, famous names such as Christian Nodal, Lupillo Rivera, Giovanni dos Santos and the magician Criss Ángel stand out to name a few.

Fernando also spoke about the problems between Belinda and Ignacio, supposedly because the money she earns is not enough and he forces her to date men to increase her income.

“This woman has experience in seducing and drawing out the livers of those who pay attention to her and she has a counselor [su padre] who knows the underworld perfectly well, because he is a criminal, a pimp, a person who knows that his daughter is prostituting herself. Do you think he doesn’t know?”

So far, Belinda has not commented on the accusations against her or her padresince it has had very little movement on its social networks since the scandals were made known.

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