Ben Caspit: Despite Netanyahu’s army of trumpets, the simple truth speaks

by time news

The army of shofars trying to seal Netanyahu’s files explains that anyone who endangered the justice system will have a file sealed. They forgot that Netanyahu did not endanger the justice system. vice versa. He protected her, with his body, for more than ten years. He also boasted about it time and time again, in his voice, at public events. Everything is recorded and filmed online. So why “sewed” a bag for him too?

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It was an interesting two weeks at the District Court in Jerusalem. The Netanyahu cases continue to be handled lazily, and now it turns out that two of the judges are taking a month and a half sabbatical. After all, nothing is burning (except the state). And yet, in these two weeks, the investigators testified. The most prominent of them was Yoav Telam, but there were others (mainly from the Securities Authority). Anyone who followed the evidence could understand how the poison machine works. How fake news is produced, distributed and invented.

Protest against the legal reform in Jerusalem. Photo: Crimea Minister

Example: In the cross-examination of state witness Nir Hefetz in November 2021, defense attorney Boaz Ben Zur presented him with a sentence that one of the investigators said to Hefetz during the interrogation: “Your privacy will go down the toilet of history.” This sentence went well with the spin according to which the investigators threatened Hefetz In various ways, they pressured him on personal issues, threatened to harm his privacy, etc. This became, within minutes, the public narrative agreed upon by all, under the auspices of the poison and propaganda machine of Bibism.

This week it turned out that the truth is completely the opposite. Even in real time, the prosecution tried to demand that attorney Ben Tzur show Hefetz the entire relevant transcript of the investigation, and not just the said sentence. But he refused and the court did not force it on him. Dakhpin gave intimate details about himself, appeared in dozens of articles, interviews and items.

Even Hefetz himself understood it this way and flowed with the situation. The problem is, as mentioned, that the reality is the opposite. This became clear thanks to the same attorney Ben Tzur who this week read the entire relevant section of that investigation to the Talmud Talmud. When you read the whole passage, you realize that the researcher said the opposite things to the subject. He told him that his intimate details were of no interest to the police and they would go to the toilet of history, that is to say they would be put away forever.

Nir Hefetz (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

The researcher sitting in front of Hefetz is Yaniv Peled. The background to the conversation between them is the copying of Hefetz’s phone in the presence of the witness, and Hefetz’s request that they not be searched and that private materials not be used. Peled reassures Hefetz, saying that the police are not interested in his private life and modesty, that they are concentrating on the evidence, that after producing the materials, they will only interrogate him on the materials relevant to the investigation, that the private things will be relegated to the toilet of history. That is, they will not be used.

Want a transcript? Here, in necessary abbreviations:
“Researcher: Well, now what we are doing is waiting, Nir. Nir, just keep in mind that everything you fear that we will know, we already know.”
Hefetz: “No, you don’t understand correctly in this matter. There are contents of personal modesty that are not related to any investigation on earth… simply private modesty.”
Investigator: “Did you hear what I told you?”
Hefetz: “You were completely modest then…”
Researcher: “Memorize the number I told you, the sentence I told you…”
Hefetz: “Okay, I don’t want materials that are related…”
Researcher: “There is no problem”. Hefetz: “To my personal private life that is not known to any person, to any subject that…”
Investigator: “Do you suspect that the police will use your private materials that are not related to the investigation?”

Hefetz: “I want to protect my privacy.”
Investigator: “Okay, your right.”
Hefetz: “I don’t suspect anyone, but there have never been things that… that things reach the media and I am very interested in the media.”
Investigator: “You are of great interest to the media, but take into account that your private modesty and personal affairs are of no interest to the police, and of no interest to this investigation, that’s all.”
Hefetz: “I’m glad to hear.”
Investigator: “What interests us is only evidence and findings and things that are solely related to the investigation or other people being investigated…”.

Did you understand? Those who follow the sentence know that there are dozens of such examples. no less. It begins with ugly insinuations by the defense attorneys and continues with the bibist crowd that sits cheering in the studio and picks up these fakes and partial truths into the formidable media setup built around the Netanyahu cases, to create the impression that they are collapsing. But they don’t crash.

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