Ben Caspit: The truth behind Moshe Saada’s interview

by time news

This week the “Moshe Saada affair” broke into our lives. She will inflate her soul about as much as the Pegasus affair. For the avoidance of doubt: an interview with Saada is an important journalistic achievement of Amit Segal, who is sharp and quick in interpreting Israel in the current era. In essence, we didn’t learn anything we didn’t know before, and what was new was far from true.

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All of Saada’s claims against the prosecutor’s office and the police in relation to the Ritman affair, the shooting of Umm al-Khiran and the interrogation exercise conducted on Nir Hafetz, were published in the past and also appeared, in detail, in the statement of claim he filed at the end of last year against the prosecutor’s office, the state attorney and other senior officials. Bringing Saada tells all this in his voice, is an important achievement.

The readers of this column know that there has been a long-standing call here, at least for a decade and a half, for a house check in the prosecutor’s office, deep reforms and confidence-building measures. In my opinion, Shai Nitzan’s most serious strategic error during his tenure was the war of annihilation that he declared, together with the militant attorneys’ committee, against the person who was the first audit commissioner for the attorney’s office, Judge Hila Gerstel.

It was a crazy and mostly stupid jihad. If today there was an audit commissioner with powers and teeth, one could simply let him check all the claims, and that’s it. Commissioner Rosen did check most of the claims, made comments to the police, but did not go on with the gibberish of the contexts for the Netanyahu files.

Besides, the count had no authority to impose any sanction on any man. The inherent weakness of the commissioner allows freedom of action for all the agents of chaos who are now asserting their delusional claims, which have everything but any reliance on facts. No, I am not referring to the scandalous case of Ruth David, the problematic conduct of the Roni Reitman story and the borderline investigation exercise conducted on Nir Hefetz. Ruth David is on trial in the district court. Reitman was eventually forced to resign (by the High Court).

Nir Hefetz testified that no investigative exercise made him sign an agreement as a state witness. I am referring to the pathetic attempt to tie these cases to the Netanyahu files.
In this context, it is recommended to listen to the interviews given this week by the state attorney and former head of the Public Prosecutor’s Office Eran Shander, the former head of the criminal department at the prosecutor’s office Joey Ash, and also the lawyers Yehuda Shafer and Amit Bacher, former senior prosecutors.

The interview with Saada is placed on a crooked foundation in light of the fact that the man is in a political campaign. He resigned two days before the deadline that allows him to run for the Knesset (within the framework of religious Zionism), he opened a Twitter account on the eve of his interview being broadcast, he expresses his desire to join politics on the right side, the side where support for Netanyahu is a condition of entry (if possible, it is better to also pass criminal).

Saada came to his interview about as clean as attorney Zion Amir, who has been berating the Netanyahu family for months (“You overthrew a prime minister because of a cigar!” he shouted in one of the last broadcasts), without telling us that he was actually groping his way into some sort of swagger in Likud. Regarding Saada , they also didn’t tell us that he wasn’t appointed to the position of head of the police department, was fired from his position, sued the prosecutor’s office and was considered a troublemaker for many years.

By the way, if all the world-wide conspiracy theories Ash talks about are true, they would appoint him as the head of the National Security Agency or the Prince of Wales, to keep the dark secrets. He has been leaking and slandering the prosecutor’s office for years, everyone knows it, and all in all, such phenomena should be encouraged. It The bread of the press and this is the best disinfectant in democracy. But then, we get to the point.

Facts are not Saada’s forte. Much of what he told simply conflicts with the facts and dates. The sweaty effort to connect all of this to Shai Nitzan’s crazy motivation against Netanyahu is embarrassing at best, slanderous and offensive at worst. Nitzan has quite a bag of difficult mistakes during his tenure, but he is not a corrupt man. He was the last at the top of the attorney’s office to be convinced that there was meat in the Netanyahu files. He was the biggest skeptic at the beginning.

The first phone call he received when he was appointed to the position of state attorney was from Netanyahu, who told him that “no one is happier than me.” The same Netanyahu who appointed both Mandelblit and Roni Elsheich, while promising, bordering on corruption, to appoint Elsheich later as head of the Shin Bet if everything in the police went well. Well, not everything went well. These gentlemen, who are not without mistakes (some of them serious), are State people.

As was said here before, the kingdom is more important to them than the king. In front of them stands the royal family determined to turn this place into a kingdom, where all appointments will be basically eunuchs on behalf of the king at best, the prince or the queen at worst. This is what we are fighting for here now, until November 1st.

Ben Caspit’s full column in Ma’ariv Sofashavu

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