Ben Caspit: We received the same lies from Benjamin Netanyahu again

by time news

Dear Prime Minister. Again yesterday we gathered around the television to hear your “dramatic statement”. We were once again disheartened and disappointed. Once again we were reminded that you are the greatest instigator in our political history. Yesterday you got a chance to brake the train seconds before the abyss – and you kicked it. Benny Gantz called you yesterday. You didn’t even bother to address his words. like nothing Instead of doing the required thing and announcing the suspension of the legislation and entering into negotiations immediately, until white smoke comes out, you continued to incite, until black smoke of destruction comes out.

After the siege of the barbershop by thousands of protesters: hundreds of policemen rescued Sara Netanyahu from the State Square watch
From “Opposition leaders breaking away?”: Netanyahu’s speech caused an uproar online

I hope that somewhere, in some deep place, you are ashamed. Throughout your career, when asked how you want to be remembered and what your legacy is, you said “Keeper of Israel.” I believe your original intention was genuine. But since then quite a bit of sewage has flowed in your poison machine. You are not a keeper of Israel, Mr. Netanyahu. You are a foreigner of Israel. Your legacy will be as someone who destroyed the Zionist enterprise. As someone who incited one against his brother, sent a fire through the barns, took the Zionist dream and turned it into chaos.

The protest against the reform in Karkur (photo: Police Spokesperson)

The table does not lie, Mr. Netanyahu. A year and a half ago you handed over the country to the government of change in a state of anarchy. Terrorism raged unhindered. Hamas bombed Jerusalem for the first time in history. Tel Aviv has become accustomed to rockets. In the cities involved Jews were forced to take up arms and defend themselves. Everything was on fire. The government that replaced you improved the situation in all areas. In security, in the economy, in the fight against nuclear weapons, in unemployment, in governance.

And here, barely two months have passed since you returned to power, and our anarchy is back. Ensuring stability and bringing system madness. Terrorism is soaring to new heights, the economy is falling apart, high-tech is being abandoned, the cost of living is soaring, our international status is collapsing and the Iranians are scrapping the nuke. Yitzhak Shamir was right. You are an angel of destruction.

You opened your speech yesterday with a quote from Aharon Barak. It takes quite a bit of audacity on your part to use the quotes of this man, whom your son just called “the most dangerous puppet operator in Israel’s history.” This man, whom your lawyers called in to arrange a plea deal for you not long ago, you have turned into the punching bag of your monstrous poison machine. And now you quote him.

Next: I’m interested in what was going through your mind when you said the following unbelievable sentence yesterday: “We cannot accept threats against public figures and their families, something that is happening now in Tel Aviv.” Tell me, Mr. Netanyahu, have you been here in the last two years? Did you see what your various messengers did to public figures and their families?

You know them, the bullies with the megaphones, the ones who chased MKs, children of MKs, spouses of MKs, into synagogues and Sukkots, the ones who called them horrible names, even the one who led the blasphemies against the bereaved family. You know them all well, you host and cultivate them, activate and lead them, and now you are not ashamed to talk about “threats against public figures”? Do you have no blood in your body? Do you have no shame? You have no appearance at home? What is going on with you? Are you being paid for lies?

I know you meant your wife, Mrs. Netanyahu, who was at that time at a luxury hair salon in Madina Square. So first, you have a serious intelligence problem plus an even more serious disconnection and opacity, if on such a day, in the midst of a protest on a historic scale, she chooses to go get a haircut in the State Square. Second, think for a moment about Zeev Elkin’s wife, and what she suffered from your people. and about Mrs. Orbach. And the unfortunate Silmans, who must now be very satisfied with what they have done. Think about the children of all those public figures who were trampled by your poison machine, about the experience that was burned into their souls. Think, and you will understand where you have arrived.

Let’s continue with your speech: “We will not accept violence, neither in Hawara nor in Tel Aviv,” you said. So first of all, we would appreciate it if you could find out for us where the security forces were and where the police were in Hawara. Second, we’d love to see where the violence was yesterday. The Israeli police are equipped with body cameras, drones, and on-duty and off-duty photographers. All she was able to issue yesterday was two blurry photos, in one of them you can see a bottle of water and in the other an unidentified object (the bottle of water was apparently given by a protester to his friend).

Is this the violence? Where are the injured policemen? show me one nothing. The police claimed yesterday that officers were bitten. May I have pictures, please? In the meantime, we saw women over 70 arrested violently, we saw an Apache pilot who stood and filmed a demonstration spending an entire day in handcuffs, we saw a man who lost an ear from a stun grenade, we saw dozens of videos of police violence. This is what we saw. And I’m not one of those who come with complaints to the police. I don’t envy the police.

The most defining moment of your speech yesterday was when you came to break up. Are you really using disengagement now and still claim that you were in the opposition and led the opposition? are you real? Listen, you may have managed to convince some foolish followers that you were opposed to seceding, but fortunately everything is recorded and filmed. The disconnection happened thanks to you. You voted for her in all the decisive votes in the Knesset and in the government. You even voted for her in the Likud functionaries’ referendum (and declared it with your voice). You could have stopped the disengagement after the referendum, but you preferred to join the “Pashrat Livni Compromise”. Now all of a sudden you are the opposition?

But it doesn’t end here. This is what you claimed yesterday: “In secession, the struggle did not cross red lines. We did not see then, what we see today. The demonstrators did not beat police officers, did not call for civil riots, did not call for refusals, did not defame the state and did not defame Israel in the world The leaders of the opposition at that time, and I am among them, did not call for refusals, did not say no to serve in the reserves, did not call for the shutdown of the economy, did not encourage blocking roads, did not try to lead the country to anarchy. We did not cross red lines.”

What are you building on, Mr. Netanyahu? Are we all stupid? Is there somewhere such a facility that deletes memory and archives? Do you remember Bezalel Smotrich with the 700 liters of oil that tried to set Ayalon on fire? The attempts to carry out attacks on Highway 1 and Ayalon? The acids that were poured on policemen and soldiers? The violence in the protests? The wounded soldiers and policemen? Do you remember that MK Aryeh Eldad specifically called on Meri Tziri? Smotrich and many others who called on the Orangemen not to enlist? Why do you lie all the time? Why don’t you take a break from lying, even for one evening, such a special and important evening?

How dare you compare yesterday’s protesters to the Havara rioters, who set fire to houses where families lived? How do you not blush in shame, stammer in embarrassment, freeze in your tracks when you spew these inciting words? Don’t you remember how many roads were blocked by secession? How many huge demonstrations and violent clashes were there between the parties? Do you really think you can keep fooling all the people, all the time, forever?

And it is not possible without the “foreign parties”, who according to you are financing the protest. It’s good that you didn’t imitate your “minister of information”, who blamed “Iran and Germany”. Let me remind you of something, Mr. Netanyahu: after the Second Lebanon War, the reservist protest broke out. You recognized the opportunity and pounced on it. You financed, organized, led, fueled the reserve protest with foreign money. Your chief of staff Naftali Bennett dealt with it. And now you are not ashamed to babble.
“Because we are brothers”, you finished your stoma speech yesterday, “we don’t have another country”. I agree with that, Mr. Netanyahu. We have no other country, and you are destroying it to the core.

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