Ben Gvir gets stronger at the expense of Bibi • Which bloc are more eager to vote?

by time news

14 days to the election day for the 25th Knesset: A survey by a sample institute led by Manu Geva in collaboration with I-Panel published this evening (Tuesday) in the main edition of News 12 shows that the Netanyahu bloc remains on 59 mandates, compared to the current coalition which remains on 57.

Compared to the previous survey, the Likud party loses a mandate and drops to 30 mandates, while the religious Zionism led by Bezalel Smotrich and Ben Gabir climbs to 14.

The survey also shows that Yesh Atid led by Lapid increases to 25 seats, at the expense of the Labor Party which drops to 5 seats.

The other parties remain unchanged, compared to the previous survey: the state camp headed by Gantz with 12 mandates, Shas – 8, Torah Judaism – 7, Israel Beitenu – 6, Meretz – 5, Hadash-Ta’al – 4, Ra’ M – 4.

The Jewish Home list of Ayelet Shaked remains below the blocking percentage with 1.7% of the votes, alongside Prof. Yaron Zelicha’s economic party with 1.2% of the votes, BLD with 1.2% of the votes and Economic Freedom led by Abir Kara with 0.5% of the votes.

And what about the voter turnout in the upcoming elections?

69% of all participants in the survey answered that they intend to vote in the elections if they were held today.

According to the sample, the proportion of voters in the Netanyahu bloc stands at 78%, compared to 72% of Lapid bloc voters.

The survey also shows that 44% think that the government’s handling of the security situation is “good”, compared to 50% who think that the handling is bad. 6% answered that they do not know.

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