Ben Gvir publicly backs Smotrich: “a legitimate demand”

by time news

Bentzi Robin, knitted news18.11.22 13:34 24 in Hashvan Tishpag

Ben Gvir publicly backs Smotrich:

(Photo: Flash 90)

The pressure continues: Otzma Yehudit chairman Itamar Ben Gvir spoke this morning (Friday) with Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu, and urged him to comply with Bezalel Smotrich’s demands for the files. According to Ben Gvir, Smotrich’s demand for the security file is “a legitimate demand that will enable right-wing policies to be realized In full, establish new settlements in Judea and Samaria, approve thousands of housing units, stop construction in Area C, and stop the evictions in the hills.

At the same time, Ben Gvir said that religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit will split, as he said, “In accordance with the agreement signed on the eve of the elections, and as a technical procedure designed to allow the separate existence of the factions, a notice of the existence of separate factions will be submitted to the Knesset Committee.” Ben Gvir added and told Netanyahu that the block between him and Smotritz exists, but he calls on all parties to sit in a closed room with all factions and find a quick solution to establish a full right-wing government as soon as possible.

More on the same topic

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In the meantime, after it seemed that the fight over the religion portfolio between the religious Zionist party and Shas was far from being resolved, yesterday political officials told the Sargoim that Smotrich is willing to show flexibility and compromise on the religion portfolio for the treasury portfolio in exchange for promises of Sarog representation in the appointments of city rabbis.

We will recall that just four days ago it was announced that the “Religious Zionist” party is demanding the religion portfolio, this after last year and during the campaign many attacked the reforms of the former Minister of Religions Matan Kahana in the Ministry of Religions and talked about correcting them. An official in religious Zionism explained to Smotrich’s change of direction to Smotrich and said to Srougim: “Apparently Netanyahu’s pressure to advance negotiations with Ben Gabir affected him.”

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