Ben Gvir responds to criticism: “We are determined to implement Magen Wall 2 in Jerusalem”

by time news

Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gabirresponded this evening (Saturday) to the criticism leveled against him by political parties, against the background of his directive to prepare an operational plan for “Protective Wall 2”.

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“We are determined to implement Magen Wall 2 in Jerusalem. For the information of the parties who are conspiring against me, under the authority of the police, to destroy illegal houses, stop more than 150 targets and raid the houses, stop the incitement in mosques, arrest tax payers and much more. The cabinet meeting is important and I will ask for more things there , but governance is very important and I will make sure it is so,” wrote Ben Gvir.

As mentioned, officials in the defense system criticized his words. A senior political official said that “decisions about a protective wall operation are not made on a sidewalk at a bus stop when there is an attack.” The source emphasized that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make a decision on an operation in Jerusalem only after consultation with the entire security establishment and after an orderly discussion in the political-security cabinet.

He emphasized that the declaration of “Protective Wall 2” is not under Ben Gabir’s authority, and in any case there is great criticism of this declaration in the security establishment: while Operation Protective Wall was conducted against armed terrorist organizations in the territories of the Palestinian Authority, East Jerusalem is an area of ​​Israeli sovereignty, with non- are involved, and all of the recent attacks that came out of it were of individual threats that cannot be traced through intelligence.

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