Ben Gvir shouted: This is why Israel is bleeding; Watch

by time news
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At the right-wing rally held tonight (Wednesday) in Jerusalem, Knesset Speaker Itamar Ben Gvir, who won great sympathy in the audience, also spoke.

During the rally, cries were heard by the demonstrators – “Bennett is a traitor”, but it was Ben Gvir who tried to calm the spirits and called on the demonstrators to avoid these cries, and instead go out in the wall – “Bennett will resign”.

In his speech, Ben Gvir said: “This evening is an evening of expectation, an evening of hope, an evening of prayer to the Creator of the worlds that a real right-wing government will be established. Ben Gvir opened. This hope is shared by so many people: “And there is no justice and no justice, for the IDF soldiers and police officers, who turned them into a punching bag of gangs of terrorists, who attack them without them being able to respond.”

Ben Gvir attacked Bar-Lev in his speech when he said: “The face of this government and the face of Amar Bar-Lev, the most left-wing, the most failed and the most unwise minister. Such a leftist and a failure. “

“A month and a half ago, I set up a bureau in Shimon Hatzadik after incessant lynching attempts on the Yoshivev family. And who was against? Who went to legal advice and asked them to try to infringe on the immunity of Knesset members? Amar Bar-Lev, and the end is known, a month and a half I asked to go up to the Temple Mount, and who tried to prevent it? And who claimed that if I went up to the Temple Mount the Middle East would collapse? “Understand a goat, understand that they are standing in front of them and not folding and only then do they sit quietly.”

Ben Gvir said at the end of his speech: “And look how funny, precisely when Iir Lapid went to the Nablus gate just then they made riots and raged, to teach you – whoever folds – kidnaps and whoever shows Jewish pride – wins, said Ben Gvir. Murray and gentlemen on Passover eve “For this government to go home, neither a right-wing government nor a government of both, the people of Israel want a right-wing government.”

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