Benefits and features at a glance

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Roof terrace or conservatory? Many people who want to create a wellness oasis within their own four walls ask themselves this question.
Both stays are a great way to spend time outdoors and protect yourself from the wind or rain. But there are big differences between the two options.

More or less weather protection

There is a significant difference between the terrace roof and the winter garden.

One of these differences relates to how well the roof and conservatories provide protection from the elements.

DIY Hobby enthusiasts should be aware of these special features before making a decision.

More or less weather protection
There is a significant difference between the terrace roof and the winter garden | Photo: ©Roland Spiegler #32739472 –

A roof over your head – nothing more and nothing less

A patio cover provides a roof over your head. The terrace roofs provide effective protection against all types of precipitation In addition to precipitation such as rain, snow or hail, a terrace roof provides adequate protection from the sun. Terraced roofs also offer a lot of privacy as they protect you from prying eyes from third parties from above.

However, the roofs do not protect against outside temperatures. It doesn’t matter if it’s hot or cold: the temperatures are in no way insulating. If the wind blows under the roof of the terrace, the roof does not promise any protection either. A side-mounted sliding glass door, for example, can provide protection from the wind.

A patio cover provides a roof over your headA patio cover provides a roof over your head
A patio cover provides a roof over your head | Photo: ©Hermann #616701827 –

Protection in many ways

So a terrace roof is a sensible solution to extend your own living space and protect it from the view of third parties, sunlight or precipitation.

With a soft blanket, the indoor patio season can be significantly extended.

Is a building permit required?

Building permits may be required to construct a patio roof. Each federal state has individual regulations regarding the question of which formal regulations are required in relation to the construction of the roof.
In addition, the granting of permission depends on the question of how big the roof of the terrace should be.

Terrace and building roof permitTerrace and building roof permit
Building permits may be required to construct a patio roof | Photo: ©FotoHelin #487999315 –

Choice options from different building materials

A variety of building materials can be used to build a patio roof. A good choice for a suitable support structure is aluminum or wood. While aluminum is relatively easy to care for, wood requires a lot of maintenance.

But the decision for or against a material is often a simple question of cost.

When it comes to covering patio roofs, DIY enthusiasts can choose between polycarbonate and glass. Savings hunters should expect a price in the low four-digit range. A simple patio roof made of aluminum as support material and polycarbonate for cover costs around 1,300 euros.

The biggest benefits of a winter garden

In contrast to a terrace, a conservatory is a separate room that automatically extends your home. Many conservatories can also be used as living space. Cold winter gardens are frost free, unheated and suitable for winter plants.

In contrast, a moderately warm winter garden is heated, but reaches between twelve and 19 degrees Celsius at most. A moderately warm winter garden is only to a limited extent suitable as a living space that can be used all year round. Heated and warm winter gardens reach over 19 degrees Celsius. That is why these rooms are an interesting choice for living throughout the year.

Benefits of a winter gardenBenefits of a winter garden
In contrast to a terrace, a conservatory is a separate room that automatically extends your home | Photo: ©js-photo #13894893 –

Effective protection from prying eyes and precipitation

Just like terrace roofs, winter gardens provide effective protection from prying eyes from third parties, UV radiation or precipitation.

In addition, conservatories are a tried and tested solution to protect against hot temperatures in the summer and cold temperatures in the winter.

To fulfill this objective, the conservatories must be connected to the construction technology. In order to create a comfortable climate throughout the year, solutions with cooling technology are needed in addition to heating and sun protection devices. Winter gardens therefore have many advantages.

Significant differences in design

From a construction law perspective, a conservatory is a different type of construction than a patio roof. If a winter garden is created as a cold winter garden without connection to the house, planning permission is not normally required. Adding glass to a warm or residential conservatory is another situation.

Under certain circumstances, a conservatory always requires a permit. Conservatories usually always require planning permission if they are heated, directly attached to your own home or adjacent to a neighboring property.

Significant differences in designSignificant differences in design
From a construction law perspective, a conservatory is a different type of construction than a patio roof | Photo: ©Rangzen #73928079 –

Building materials and costs for a winter garden

In terms of construction, similar conditions apply to a conservatory as to a terraced roof. Support scaffolding in a winter garden is also made of wood or aluminium. Another possible building material is plastic.

If home builders have to decide between a conservatory or a patio roof, price certainly plays an important role.

The costs of a so-called cold winter garden vary between 5,000 and 10,000 euros in the lower price segment to 25,000 to 50,000 euros in the upper price segment. A warm or residential winter garden is much more expensive – with costs between 20,000 and 35,000 euros in the lower price segment up to 100,000 euros in the upper price range. In addition, recreation providers should keep in mind that there are additional costs involved in implementing lights and heating in a winter garden.

Terrace cover or conservatory? A lifestyle question!

As well as the issue of costs, the decision to have a patio roof or winter garden is an individual one. The question depends on your personal lifestyle, appearance and orientation of residential buildings.

A patio roof is usually sufficient for anyone who wants to use their patios primarily as outdoor seating on warmer days. However, if you want to use the area in the winter and expand your living space, you will probably be better off with a winter garden.

2024-07-17 15:56:36

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