Benefits you will not imagine.. this is what will happen to your body if you eat “trotters” • Al Marsad Newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: “Kawwara” is a mine of many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, as it is one of the foods rich in health benefits, according to “Web Medicine”.

Andtrotters (Trotters) It is one of the popular dishes known in many Arab countries, such as: Egypt, Iraq, and the Levant.

The trotters have many potential benefits, the most prominent of which are the following:

Rich source of protein

Trotter bones and tissues contain collagen, which when cooked turns into gelatin (Gelatin) Which supplies the body with the amino acids needed to build proteins.

Therefore, trotters are a good choice for athletes who want to increase their muscle size naturally, and it is also a good choice for healthy weight gain, as muscle mass increases away from the accumulation of fat.

joint protection

With age, the cartilage in the joints tends to contract, which increases the pressure on the joint. It is believed that the trotters contribute to protecting the joints because they contain gelatin, which is converted in the body into collagen, which is important to protect the joints.

Improving the work of the digestive system

One of the benefits of trotters is that they improve the functioning of the digestive system. The gelatin present in them may contribute to improving digestion, as it is easy to digest, and other substances are also easily digested, as it binds to water and fluids in the gut, which helps facilitate the movement of food..

Gelatin is also thought to help protect the mucous membrane lining the gut and to help prevent and treat a syndrome called leaky gut. (Leaky gut).

Improve sleep quality

The trotters contain the amino acid glycine (Glycine) Contributes to relaxation and inducing sleep.

Resistance to infections and diseases

It has been found that the amino acids found in trotters, such as: glycine, and arginine (Arginine) It has anti-inflammatory properties, which leads to faster recovery from infections.

Trotters also contain minerals that boost the immune system, which helps reduce the chance of catching a cold.

Improve skin health

Although there are insufficient studies on this subject, it is suggested that trotters may contribute to improving skin health because they are rich in amino acids, minerals, and contain collagen that is beneficial for skin health, which may also contribute to hair and nail growth..

Contribute to improving oral health

One of the benefits of healthy trotters is their ability to contribute to improving oral health, due to the presence of some proteins in them, such as: glycosaminoglycans. (Glycosaminoglycans) Which contributes to repairing gum damage caused by harmful bacteria.

Contribute to the support and improvement of fertility.

Trotters may contribute to improving fertility due to their content of essential amino acids, but there are no studies confirming the validity of this benefit100%.

Nutritional value of trotters

The benefits of trotters stem from their high nutritional value, as they contain many nutrients, the most important of which are calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, fatty acids, zinc, manganese, and selenium, and they also contain many vitamins.

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