Benin economist prepares workers for successful retirement

by time news

2023-09-11 08:19:09

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin (CCI-Benin) opened its doors this Thursday, September 7, 2023 to a public conference on the theme: “Life after retirement in Benin: Opportunities, threats or social death? “. This training and information meeting initiated by the daily newspaper “L’Economist” and the agency “Chez Vous” for workers in pre-retirement and retirement situations aims to equip them for a fulfilling life. On the occasion, retired workers from the public sector and the private sector came massively to the CCI-Benin to follow the progress of the meeting.

Belmondo ATIKPO
Retirement is no longer a leap into the unknown or an open door to death. It is rather a transition to a new, more fulfilled life. Via a public conference on retirement, The Economist newspaper broke the glass ceiling by offering free-wheeling discussions on this taboo subject never discussed in public. This meeting to share ideas on life after retirement received a favorable response from those concerned. Retirees from various orders came in large numbers to learn about the mechanisms offered to them for their full development. This meeting, pleasantly appreciated by the elderly, has the effect of lifting certain leaden barriers on the subject. As a symbol, it was a beautiful female voice that opened the proceedings.
At the desk, the Sales and Marketing Director of the Benin “economist” press group, Rigel Batcho representing the impeded General Director, immediately set the scene for the public conference on the theme “Life after retirement in Benin: Opportunities, threats or social death? “. Speaking about the precarious situation of retirees, she indicates that: “any worker, whether in the public or private sector, entrepreneur, employee, workers, shopkeeper, to name but a few, is called upon to pass. This stage of life is lived well and happily without worries, depending on whether it is well prepared, planned and managed. On the other hand, it is dangerously experienced and leads to tragedy, when it is not well prepared, planned and managed.” Rigel Batcho also highlighted the challenges: “Retirees are often idle and faced with difficulties relating to financial concerns, health, lack of health care, housing, travel, food, decent clothing to name just a few. And faced with these problems, they become depressed and many easily indulge in alcohol, drug addiction, begging to name just a few. Which often precipitates their sudden death. This is because, at this stage of life, needs are generally the same and sometimes greater while income is significantly reduced.” It is with these words of mixed observation of the situation of retirees that the work of the public conference at the CCI-Benin was launched by the DC of the economist.

The panelists giving their opinion

“Life after retirement in Benin: Opportunities, threats or social death? » is the theme that served as a common thread for the richly lively discussions between the panelists. First, the moderator went around the table on the conceptual clarification of certain key themes. Then, each communicator spoke about the mechanisms and systems put in place by their respective structure for the care of retired employees. Daniel GOUROUBERA, the representative of the Director General of the CNSS informed the audience that his structure provides several services to relieve retirees. It indicates that the social security system was gradually established through the coverage of three categories of benefits: family and maternity benefits, occupational risk benefits, and pension benefits. Further he indicates that the CNSS is the assurance of better protection for life. Based on the articles, the representative of the CEO of CNSS suggests that the old age pension is a replacement income which corresponds to a certain proportion of the worker’s salary. The insured person who reaches the age of 60 is entitled to an old-age pension if he meets the conditions. He encouraged workers to massively subscribe to the social security scheme at the National Social Security Fund. To the many questions from retirees, Gouroubera provided some answers. Franck TOGBE, the Sales Director of Atlantique Assurances Bénin Vie, for his part proposed very advantageous solutions for caring for people who have retired via Life Insurance. Togbé advises employees to subscribe to a contribution of between 5,000 or 50,000 CFA to enjoy it in retirement. The solutions offered by this insurance company go hand in hand with the income of each worker, indicated Franck Togbé. Jibril BOURAIMA, the Managing Director of Saphir Asset Management, encourages retirees to save more to benefit more from his company’s services. Depending on the employee’s income, it indicates that if each worker can save, for example, 1000 CFA francs per month they could enjoy a peaceful retirement. The director of human resources of the CCI-Benin in his speech proposed a range of contribution solutions to workers. Emilie SAMA TIBOUTE, the Sales and Marketing Director of SGI BENIN brilliantly presented the beneficial offers of her company. She says “knowing how to control your expenses is a step towards financial comfort. Investing the saved amount further ensures your financial comfort. With SGI BENIN, you have the possibility of investing in the capital market by acquiring shares, bonds and subscribing to mutual funds. Delighting in the holding of the meeting, Salamath ADAM SOULE, the General Director of KNMS made it known that retirement is not the antechamber of planned death. The interactive debates took place in the presence of several distinguished guests such as the Representative of the Minister of Labor and Civil Service; the Representative of the National Employers’ Council of Benin (CNPB); the representative of the Economic and Social Council of Benin and others. This public conference is organized as a prelude to the Salon des Séniors which will be held from November 2 to 4, 2023 at the Palais des Congrès in Cotonou.

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QA September 11, 2023

#Benin #economist #prepares #workers #successful #retirement

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