Benin: new missions in sight for the Police in big cities

by time news

2023-11-29 08:56:43

During a meeting with police officials at the Palais de la Marina on Monday, November 27, the President of the Republic announced the expansion of the missions of police officers in the major cities of Benin.

The commissioners of the districts of the communes of Grand Nokoué (Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Ouidah, Porto-Novo and Sèmè Podji), the prefects of the departments of Atlantique, Littoral and Ouémé and officials of the Republican Police have responded to the invitation of the Head of State. The meeting took place in the presence of the Minister of the Interior, Alassane Séïdou, the Minister of Decentralization, Raphaël Akotègnon and the Minister of Living Environment, José Tonato.

The Head of State returned to the involvement of the Republican police in the security of the populations of Grand Nokoué. While congratulating the police officers, Patrice Talon wants to assign them other missions. New measures will therefore be taken to put an end to noise and environmental pollution and improve the public health conditions of the population, the President of the Republic announced:

”We will very quickly adjust the existing texts. It took us a while to get there because we first had to restore the image of the Republican police and get people to have respect for the police; in Benin, today, it is an achievement. The Republican police will be responsible for everything in our localities. It’s still the only body we trust, that’s the other side of the coin, you’re doing things right, we’re going to take charge of everything from now on.”

The suppression of noise pollution is one of the new missions that the Head of State wants to formally assign to the Police. Addressing his interlocutors, Patrice Talon declared: “You were very asked to ensure compliance with the requirements, which was not so easy for you because the regulatory provisions in force did not formally give you the responsibility to manage and sanction or report anything that violates the prescriptions and the comfort of their neighbors”.

Already, the Republican Police are showing their availability to realize the wishes of the Head of State. ”When the high authority, supreme leader of the armies, supreme leader of the Republic gives instructions, these instructions must be respected to the letter, and that is what we are going to do”, Claude Bossou, Central Commander of Territorial Units.

A committee bringing together Commissioners, Prefects and departmental police directors will be set up to reflect on the various new directions that the president wishes to give to the Republican Police, reports a press release from the presidency.

Fulgencia Hountondji

#Benin #missions #sight #Police #big #cities

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